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Igneous rock composition basically means how the rock would look if you were to cut it in half. In the case of igneous rock, you would see the different layers of rocks that have melted with it.

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2mo ago

Igneous rock composition refers to the specific minerals and materials present in a rock that was formed through the cooling and solidification of molten magma. The composition can vary widely, influencing the rock's color, texture, and properties, and is categorized based on the relative proportions of silicate minerals like quartz, feldspar, and mica. Understanding the composition of igneous rocks is important for identifying their origin and geological history.

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Q: What does igneous rock composition mean?
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What does the term composition mean as it applies to igneous rock?

it can mean two things, (1)mineralogical composition or (2)Chemical composition

What does rock composition mean?

Igneous rock composition basically means how the rock would look if you were to cut it in half. In the case of igneous rock, you would see the different layers of rocks that have melted with it.

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An igneous rock is any crystalline or glassy rock that forms from cooling of a magma. Color and texture help determine the chemical composition of the rock.

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Andesite is considered an intermediate rock between granite (felsic igneous rock) and basalt (mafic igneous rock), based on chemical composition.

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Extrusive igneous rocks. The type of extrusive igneous rock is determined by the composition of the lava.

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Lava will cool to form extrusive igneous rock. The exact type would depend on the composition of the lava.

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When magma crystallizes, it becomes igneous rock. Igneous rocks are formed by the cooling and solidification of molten rock material. The texture and composition of the igneous rock are determined by the rate of cooling and the mineral content of the magma.

How Does chemical composition affect the color of igneous rock?

The chemical composition of the rock affects the color of an igneous rockbecause some minerals like quartz change color becasue of t's own

Can igneous rock be felsic?

Yes. Felsic is a term used to describe the composition of some igneous rocks.

What is the mohs value for an igneous rock?

"Igneous" is a general classification, not a specific type of rock. The hardness values vary depending on the exact composition.

When Magma is launched from a volcano forms what type of rock?

A volcano is made of extrusive igneous rock. The specific type of igneous rock will vary from one volcano to another.

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an ultramafic composition