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oxidation of glucose, is the breakdown of glucose in ATP through four main process 1) glycolysis 2) preparation of pyruvic acid 3) citric acid cycle and 4) oxidative phosphorylation

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Glucose oxidation does not yield energy directly. Instead, it produces energy in the form of ATP through a series of steps involving glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

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Does oxidation of glucose yield more energy than glycogen?

No. The oxidation of glycogen yields more energy than glucose. You need to put energy in formation of the glycogen from glucose. Naturally, this energy is released, when you get get glucose from glycogen.

Can glucose fats and proteins be respired to yield ATP?

Yes, glucose, fats, and proteins can be respired to yield ATP through cellular respiration. Glucose is the primary source of ATP, while fats and proteins can also be broken down and converted into ATP through different metabolic pathways such as beta-oxidation for fats and gluconeogenesis for proteins.

What is the actual yield number of ATP?

The actual yield of ATP from the complete oxidation of glucose in aerobic respiration is 30-32 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose. This range accounts for the fact that the efficiency of ATP production can vary depending on cellular conditions.

Does insulin mobilize liver glycogen to yield glucose?

No, insulin stimulates the liver to produce glycogen from glucose. Glucagon mobilizes liver glycogen to yield glucose.

What is the oxidation number of carbon in glucose?

The oxidation number of carbon in glucose is +4. This is because in glucose (C6H12O6), each oxygen atom has an oxidation number of -2 and each hydrogen atom has an oxidation number of +1, so the carbon atoms must have an oxidation number of +4 in order to balance the overall charge of the molecule.

What does maltose yield when digested?

Lactose and Glucose

What is the oxidation number of C in glucose?

The oxidation number of carbon (C) in glucose is +4. This is because in glucose (C6H12O6), each carbon atom is bonded to one oxygen atom, and oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, resulting in a higher oxidation state for carbon.

What are the oxidation numbers in glucose?

In glucose (C6H12O6), the oxidation number of carbon is +4 or -4, oxygen is -2, and hydrogen is +1. The overall charge of the molecule is neutral.

What is the basic formula for glucose oxidation?

The basic formula for glucose oxidation is C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (as ATP).

How many ATP molecules theoretically may be generated by the complet e oxidation of glucose into carbon dioxide?

64 net...68 are produced overall but 2 ATP's are used in the reaction per molecule of glucose.

What is the maximum number of ATP produced from the complete oxidation of 3 molecules of glucose?

The complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose produces 36-38 ATP. Therefore, the complete oxidation of 3 molecules of glucose would produce 108-114 ATP in total.

Which is NOT a pathway in the oxidation of glucose?

Glycolysis is NOT a pathway in the oxidation of glucose. Glycolysis is actually the first step in the breakdown of glucose and serves to produce pyruvate, which can then enter either the aerobic citric acid cycle or anaerobic fermentation pathways for further oxidation.