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Option 'a' is correct.

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c) Helium nuclei

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Q: What does gamma radiation consist of a Electromagnetic waves b Electrons c Helium nuclei d Hydrogen nuclei?
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Does light conduct electricity?

No, light does not conduct electricity because it is a form of electromagnetic radiation that does not consist of charged particles like electrons. Electrical conduction requires the movement of charged particles such as electrons through a conductor.

What do gamma rays consist of only electrons pure energy only protons beta particles?

Gamma rays consist of pure energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. They do not consist of electrons or protons. Beta particles are high-energy electrons or positrons emitted during certain types of radioactive decay, but they are not present in gamma rays.

What does electromagnetic radiation carry?

Electromagnetic radiation carries energy in the form of waves that consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. The amount of energy carried by electromagnetic radiation depends on the frequency of the waves - with higher frequencies carrying more energy.

Does Gamma ray primarily consist of pure energy and no mass?

Yes, gamma rays are electromagnetic waves with no rest mass. They consist of pure energy and are the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation.

What does a photon consist of?

A photon is a fundamental particle that doesn't consist of smaller components. It is a packet of energy that carries electromagnetic radiation and is considered as the most basic unit of light.

Is alpha beta and gamma names given to different kinds of radiation?

Yes, alpha, beta, and gamma are names given to different types of ionizing radiation. Alpha radiation consists of helium nuclei, beta radiation consists of electrons or positrons, and gamma radiation consists of high-energy photons. Each type of radiation has different properties and can interact differently with matter.

What does a gamma ray consist of?

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that consist of high-energy photons. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, making them the most energetic type of radiation. Gamma rays are commonly produced during nuclear reactions and radioactive decay.

Why radiation waves does not need any medium?

Radiation waves, such as light waves, do not require a medium to propagate because they are electromagnetic waves. Unlike sound waves, which require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to travel through, electromagnetic waves can travel through the vacuum of space because they consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields.

What form of ionizing radiation?

There are three main forms of ionizing radiation: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons and have low penetration power. Beta particles are high-energy electrons or positrons with higher penetration power. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation with the highest penetration power.

Which type of radiation can come from radioactive materials?

The three main types of radiation that can come from radioactive materials are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons, beta particles are high-energy electrons or positrons, and gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Each type of radiation has different properties and levels of penetration.

What are two type forms of radiation?

Two types of radiation are electromagnetic radiation, such as X-rays and microwaves, which travel in waves at the speed of light; and particle radiation, such as alpha and beta particles, which consist of high-speed particles emitted from a radioactive source.

Why are the sun's rays electromagnetic?

The sun's rays consist of electromagnetic radiation because the sun emits energy in the form of photons. These photons travel through space as electromagnetic waves, carrying energy that we experience as sunlight.