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It produces Lactic Acids, ethanol, hydrogen gas, Sugar, Carbon Dioxide.

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2mo ago

The end product of fermentation in animals is lactic acid. This process occurs in muscles when oxygen is limited, leading to the conversion of glucose into lactic acid to generate energy.

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11y ago

lactic acid and ATP

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12y ago

Lactic acid and ATP

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Lactic acid.

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Q: What is the end product of fermentation in animals?
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Is hydrochloric acid an end product of fermentation?

No, hydrochloric acid is not an end product of fermentation. Fermentation typically produces alcohol, carbon dioxide, and organic acids such as lactic acid or acetic acid, depending on the type of fermentation process occurring. Hydrochloric acid is a mineral acid that is produced in the stomach to aid in digestion.

What is the name of the process that is the end product of ATP?

It is one of the end products of photophosphorylation, cellular respiration & fermentation.

What type of fermentation has lactic acid as an end product?

Lactic acid fermentation. This type of fermentation occurs when your muscles need more oxygen for energy, so fermentation gives your muscles a little extra energy.

What is a product of cellular respiration and not fermentation?

Carbon dioxide is a product of cellular respiration but not fermentation. Fermentation produces alcohol or lactic acid as end products.

What is the end product to fermentation and cellular respiration?

The end products of fermentation are lactic acid, ethanol, and carbon dioxide. In cellular respiration, the end products are carbon dioxide, water, and ATP (energy).

End product of the yeast fermentation?

The end product of yeast fermentation is alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide. This process is commonly used in baking to help dough rise and in brewing to produce alcoholic beverages like beer and wine.

Which end product of fermentation causes the burning feeling in muscles that are working hard?

Lactic Acid. The overall name of the burning feeling is lactic acid fermentation:-)

Describe the two types of fermentation In what organisms do they occur and what end products do they pr?

Lactic Acid and Alcholic fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation is used in bread dough and yeasts in order to make them rise. Lactic Acid fermentation is found in body muscles, especially when you excersise. It helps to keep you breathing by transmitting oxygen when your oxygen levels are low.

Is acetone an end product of fermentation?

No, acetone is not typically an end product of fermentation. In fermentation, microorganisms like yeast and bacteria convert sugars into products such as ethanol, carbon dioxide, and organic acids. Acetone is more commonly found as a byproduct in industrial processes or from the breakdown of fats in the body.

What is Dual Fermentation?

Dual fermentation is a process in which a product, such as alcohol or food, undergoes two consecutive fermentation processes by different microorganisms. The first fermentation typically produces an intermediate product, which is further fermented by a different microorganism during the second fermentation stage to achieve the desired end product. This process can result in unique flavors, aromas, and textures in the final product.

Is carbon dioxide a sign of fermentation?

It can be. It is a product of alcoholic fermentation.