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Toxic fumes. Not cyanide, but a handful of other nasty things, and you don't want to breathe them. Heat and cyanoacrylate adhesives (CA's) don't do well together. The fumes can cause the eyes to burn and can also temporarily blur vision. The fumes can irritate the respiratory track, and can cause coughing fits. Burning CA's generates a big handful of partial combustion byproducts. And they should be avoided.

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1mo ago

Ethyl cyanoacrylate super glue produces toxic fumes when heated to the state of a gas, including cyanoacrylate vapors and formaldehyde. Inhaling these fumes can irritate the respiratory system, causing difficulty breathing, coughing, and throat irritation. Prolonged exposure may lead to headaches, dizziness, and nausea. It is important to use this type of glue in a well-ventilated area to minimize exposure to these harmful fumes.

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How a catalyst effects chemical reaction?

A catalyst lowers the activation energy required for a chemical reaction to proceed, thereby increasing the reaction rate. It provides an alternative reaction pathway that leads to the formation of products without being consumed in the process. This allows the reaction to occur more quickly and efficiently, leading to higher yields of products.

What are three exaples when its helpful have a low reaction rate?

In chemical processes where a slow reaction rate is desired to allow for better control of intermediate products or byproducts. In the preservation of food by slowing down enzymatic reactions that can lead to degradation. In pharmaceuticals, where a slower reaction rate can prolong drug release in the body, leading to sustained effects.

What are the effects of chemical processing?

Chemical processing can have both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, it can improve the quality and safety of products, increase shelf life, and make them more convenient or desirable. However, chemical processing can also lead to the loss of nutrients, the introduction of additives or preservatives, and potentially harmful chemical residues. It is important to balance the benefits and risks of chemical processing for different products.

What effects do end products have on enzymes?

There are many effects that end products can have on enzymes. The exact effects depend on the end products and the enzymes tested.

What does enzyme catalsed reaction mean?

An enzyme-catalyzed reaction is a chemical reaction that is facilitated and accelerated by an enzyme. Enzymes are biological molecules that act as catalysts, speeding up the rate of reactions without being consumed in the process. This results in a more efficient and controlled conversion of substrates into products.

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