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Q: What does each part of the human breathing system model represent?
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What does each part of the bunch grapes model represent in relation to the breathing system?

The stems would represent the brochioli and the grapes would represent the alveoli.

What kind of model would you use to represents the human's heart?

The type of model you would use to represent your human heart would be a physical model.

What can a scientist do to represent a system or object?

- Use a model :)

How is the physical model the same as the conceptual model?

both models represent the actual system

Which kind of model would you use to represent a human heart?

Physical model.:)

What is system model?

A system model is the model that is based on concepts that represent and describe a system. Systems compromise more than one view including structure, design, implementation, and input data.

When might a scientist use a model?

When the scientist is trying to represent an object or a system.

Can you use a mathematical model to represent a human heart?

Mathematical models are increasingly being used nowadays to represent almost anything that scientists wish to examine. Therefore there is very likely to already be a mathematical model for a human heart. So the answer is yes.

What is one or more equation that represent the way a system or process works?

One example is Newton's second law of motion, F = ma, which describes the relationship between an object's mass, acceleration, and the force acting on it. Another example is the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, which relates the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of a gas in a closed system.

How can a balloon pump model breathing?

because when you breath in the balloon then the balloon goes biger and and when you let go of the balloon then the air comes out its exactly like our breathing system

How do you make a 3D model of the human respiratory system?

To make a 3D model of the human respiratory system aperture wire and paper machete can be used to make the different organs involved. Using pictures as a model is a good idea.

How do you make a 3D model of a human respiratory system?

To make a 3D model of the human respiratory system aperture wire and paper machete can be used to make the different organs involved. Using pictures as a model is a good idea.