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It depends on the type of lava. The lava most people think of when they hear the word is basaltic lava. This lava cools into a black rock that may either have a ropey or jagged surface. It will often have bubbles near the surface of a flow. Over time, this rock may turn red as iron in it is oxidized.

Other types of lava may form gray, white, or brownish rocks.

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8y ago

Igneous rocks such as basalt and granite are formed from the cooling of lava and magma.

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14y ago

They exhibit a wide range of appearance and chemistry, from black to white, from glassy to vesicular.

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12y ago

Igneous rocks are formed when hot magma hardens and cools

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Is cooled lava considered a rock?

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Obsidian is a beautiful rock. It's description is pretty simple, it is a rock that formed out of cooled lava, and is black in color.

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Igneous rock is formed from solidified and cooled magma or lava.

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Cooled lava is called a igneous rock once it has completely cooled and hardened. Some people just call it lava rock.

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A shield volcano forms from thin layers of cooled lava. Shield volcanoes have gently sloping sides, large bases, and are typically created by the eruption of low-viscosity lava.

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Cooled lava produces extrusive igneous rock.

Which rock looks like glass if it is cooled quickly?

your thinking of lava rocks probably

How would viscosity of the lava affect the size of the crystals that forms in the rock as it cools?

If the lava has cooled fast, the Cristal's will be smaller. If the lava cooled slowly, the crystals will be big

What forms as result of lava that has cooled at the top of a volcano?

When lava cools at the top of a volcano, it forms igneous rocks such as basalt or andesite. These rocks can sometimes create formations like lava domes or hardened lava flows.

What brought about the solidification of volcanic lava?

It simply cooled down. Lava is liquid rock, so when it is exposed it cools and sets, just like melted wax does.