Cleavage is a term referring to how a crystal cleaves, that is, fractures when struck.
class just means students in a room plz tell me u know what student mean anyz im not sure what class means in a scientific term cause i dont tink der is a scientific term for class im not sure but if there then woooow soz i could not help u answer dis question darling
The term used to describe the shape of a mineral with three directions of cleavage that intersect at 90 degrees is cubic or isometric cleavage. This means that the mineral can cleave in three directions at right angles to each other, resulting in cubic-shaped fragments.
Halite exhibits cleavage, breaking along planes of weakness due to its crystal structure.
"Reenal" is not a recognized term in English. It may be a misspelling or an abbreviation for a specific medical or scientific term related to the kidneys or renal system.
The scientific term for chalk is calcium carbonate.
The scientific term for charges in motion is electric current.
Block means a brick
A light that is caused by the sun
He is the symbol for Helium in a scientific setting.
Cleavage does not always mean nudity. cleavage between two hills was huge.
something about matter color and mass
Internal, usually relating to the body or an organ.
Halite is a cleavage because it splits evenly, but fracture would mean it breaks irregularly.
the scientific term says it will grow into columns and plates
The scientific term for plastics is polymers.
That is precisely the scientific term: "ellipse".