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A bruit indicates the presence of an abnormal sound, like a whooshing or turbulent noise, heard during auscultation of a blood vessel. It may suggest underlying vascular disease, such as atherosclerosis or an aneurysm. Further evaluation is typically needed to determine the cause and appropriate management.

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Bruit Island's population is 30,000.

How do you use the word bruit in a sentence?

You can use the word "bruit" in a sentence like this: The rumor began to bruit around the office that there would be layoffs next month.

When was Le bruit et l'odeur - album - created?

Le bruit et l'odeur - album - was created in 1995.

How do you spell noise in french?

Bruit (pronounced 'brWEEh, the 'r' is rolled as in Russian)

Can you use bruit in a sentence?

The doctor detected a bruit while listening to the patient's carotid artery with a stethoscope.

What has the author Jean-Gabriel Migneron written?

Jean-Gabriel Migneron has written: 'Acoustique urbaine' -- subject(s): Bruit de la ville, Bruit, Lutte contre le, Lutte contre le Bruit

What is the medical term meaning harsh rushing sound made by passing blood?

The medical term for a harsh rushing sound made by passing blood is "bruit." This sound is typically caused by turbulent blood flow in a blood vessel, usually due to a narrowing or obstruction. Bruits are often heard using a stethoscope and can indicate underlying cardiovascular conditions.

What actors and actresses appeared in La brigade du bruit - 1931?

The cast of La brigade du bruit - 1931 includes: Paul Colline

What actors and actresses appeared in Bruit blanc - 2008?

The cast of Bruit blanc - 2008 includes: Franck Jouglas as Anthony Corentin Koskas as Franck

What is the meaning of the word 'Bruit'?

The word "bruit" refers to a rumor or report, especially one that is unfavorable or damaging. It can also mean a sound or noise, particularly when related to medical diagnostics like listening for abnormal sounds in the body.

Could a 12 year old have a carotid bruit?

Yes. My 9 year old daughter was diagnosed with a carotid bruit & thrill one year ago.