Excellent question! It doesn't tell us much.
An earthquake that originates under the surface of the Earth is called a "hypocenter" or "focus". This is the point within the Earth where the earthquake begins.
An Earthquake
The worst earthquake in U.S. history in terms of magnitude was the 1964 Alaska earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9.2. The deadliest earthquake in U.S. history was the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which caused widespread destruction and loss of life.
The epicentre of an earthquake is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the point within the Earth where the earthquake actually occurred (known as the focus or hypocentre). From this point on the surface the waves of the earthquake radiate outward like the ripples in a pond when a stone is thrown in.
seismograph is how to measure the intensity the earthquake will be or was.
When an earthquake occurs, data from one seismograph can tell you the arrival time of seismic waves, the distance from the earthquake epicenter to the seismograph, and the magnitude of the earthquake. By analyzing this data, scientists can determine the location and strength of the earthquake.
The S-P interval can tell us the distance to the earthquake epicenter. By measuring the time difference between the arrival of the S and P waves on a seismogram, seismologists can calculate the distance based on the known velocity of seismic waves through the Earth.
Seismic waves are the waves that rapidly move through the earth's crust causing a shift in techtonic plates. These waves tell us how strong an earthquake was.
an earthquake can affect the earth by making the earth less stronger and making it easier to let more lava come out the earth and destroying us all.
Seismic waves are the waves that rapidly move through the earth's crust causing a shift in techtonic plates. These waves tell us how strong an earthquake was.
earthquake's happens by all of us, as we create damage on earth by digging the earth for fuel for treasures etc...
go outside, and then go back inside; nothing will change!
because America is in an earthquake zone...
no...the earthquake did not cause a hole in the earth
According to the US Geological Survey, each state has some. Florida and North Dakota have fewer than the other states but Florida has more hurricanes. The last earthquake in Florida was in 1952 and the last earthquake in North Dakota was 1968.
Excellent question! It doesn't tell us much.