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I believe the azimutal map shows the poles and direction correctly

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4w ago

An azimuthal map correctly shows distances and directions accurately from the center point outward. These maps are useful for navigating long distances and are commonly used for polar regions.

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Which occupation today might utilize to successfully complete their job Azimuthal or polar map?

Mathematicians and astronomers use the Azimuthal or polar map.

Who invented the Azimuthal map?

James Gall was the inventor of the azimuthal equidistant projection map. This map projection displays the whole world on a flat surface with the North Pole at its center.

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What is term used to represent Mercator Robinson and azimuthal on a map?

a flat

What are the three most important map projections?

they are cylindrical, azimuthal, and conic.

What is a Winkle Tribal map projection?

A Winkle Tribal map projection is a modified azimuthal map projection. This is one of three projection.

What are the 3 different types of map projections?

The three main types of map projections are cylindrical, conic, and azimuthal. Cylindrical projections show the Earth's surface on a cylinder, conic projections project the Earth's surface onto a cone, and azimuthal projections project the Earth's surface onto a plane. Each type has variations that can result in different map distortions.

What three factors would an ideal map show correctly?

An ideal map would accurately show spatial relationships between locations, provide clear representations of topographical features like mountains and rivers, and accurately depict distances between points on the map.

Is azimuthal is a type of map projection?

Azimuth is the measurement of the position of a star in the sky

What advantage does an azimuthal map projection have over a cylindrical map projection?

actually, we don't have any idea about this because our teacher, florentino morales jr didn't taught us what is this stuff!

What does a map legend help you do?

Read the map's symbols correctly

How do you spell map?

The word "map" is spelled M-A-P.