

What does a vascular neck mean?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What does a vascular neck mean?
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What is a neck lesion?

there is some information on this subject on the asociated link(Skin Tumors, Vascular Lesions, Face and Neck) below.

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non-vascular means having no tublike structures!

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A mass in the neck with blood supply typically refers to a vascular lesion or tumor that is receiving blood flow from surrounding blood vessels. This may require further evaluation such as imaging studies or a biopsy to determine the type and potential treatment options.

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it means your neck is royal

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Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and swelling of the face that can also occur on the scalp, neck, ears, chest, and back. It has been argued that facial rosacea is a cutaneous vascular disorder; however, researchers have not found any evidence that a vascular dysfunction causes rosacea.

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very close together in a race

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Ring your neck.

What is the function of vasclurized?

If you mean vascular tissue, the vascular tissue carries xylem tissues, which carries water and minerals throughout a plant.

What does pulmonary vascular is unremarkable mean?

Pulmonary vascular means that the blood vessels in the heart and lung region looks normal and no problems were found. If something was found then it is possible to have pulmonary vascular disease.

My fjord pony has a bend in his neck?

This is normal, if you mean the curve of the neck. If his neck were straight, we'd have a problem.