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nothing, waits to get stored.

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2w ago

When a vacuole is full, it helps regulate cell turgor pressure by maintaining the proper balance of water and nutrients within the cell. If excess water or waste products are present, the vacuole may release them outside the cell through a process called exocytosis.

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Q: What does a vacuole do when it is full?
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When the central vacuole in a plant cell is full the cell becomes?

Turgid. As opposed to flaccid.

What is a good analogy for the function of a vacuole?

Hmm, a good one would be that a vacuole is the air inside a bouncy castle. If it is full up, the bouncy castle is inflated and is good to jump on, if it is not full of liqued, the bouncy castle deflates and you cannot jump on it.

What organelle helps move excess water?

A specific type of vacuole, called a contractile vacuole expels excess water from many fresh water protists.

What large structure in a plant cell helps it maintain its turgor pressure?

The central vacuole is a large structure in a plant cell that helps it maintain its turgor pressure. It stores water and other substances that create osmotic pressure, keeping the cell rigid and upright. When the central vacuole is full, the cell is turgid and the plant is healthy and able to stand upright.

What are facts about the Central Vacuole?

its a vacuole

What is the outer covering of vacuole called?

The outer covering of a vacuole is called the tonoplast. This membrane surrounds the vacuole and helps regulate the movement of molecules in and out of the vacuole.

What is the function of the of the vacuole?

The plant vacuole stores food, water, and wastes. It gives support to soft structures, such as leaves.When there is an adequate supply of water, the solutes in the vacuole attract water into the vacuole by osmosis, and the cell becomes inflated (turgid). This gives support to soft parts of the plant, like leaves. If you forget to water your pot plants, the leaves droop (wilting); this is because the vacuoles are not as full of water as they could be, and the cells have become flaccid.

What is compared to vacuole?

Vacuole is compared to a continent

What organelle stores water food and wastes and provides support for the plant cell when full?

The central vacuole stores water, food, and wastes in plant cells. It helps provide structural support to the cell by maintaining turgor pressure when full, which is essential for maintaining the cell's shape and rigidity.

What filled with cell sap?

The Vacuole :)

What year was the vacuole discovered?

1897 by Camillio Vacuole.

What do a vacuole in a plantcells do?

A vacuole holds water and salts.