Geysers shoot out hot water they are just like volcanoes but volcanoes shoot out lava and if you get to close to a geyser and it eruppts and the water gets on your skin it will burn your skin and you will have to go to the hospital. Actually it will burn your skin to death and you can die.
Steamboat Geyser is a fountain geyser, known for its powerful and tall eruptions that can reach over 300 feet in height. It is the world's tallest currently active geyser, located in the Norris Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park.
The most thermal geyser area of Yellowstone is called the Upper Geyser Basin, which is home to the famous Old Faithful geyser along with numerous other geothermal features.
A geyser much like a volcano is a mound or mountain of land that has something bubbling underneath the surface. Typically a geyser has water or hot springs that erupt up sporadically like a volcano.
The heat from a geyser came effect how high the geyser europes and for how long because it gives the geyser more power.
A geyser. == ==
Geyser in algebra means that you take out algebra, then you put in globe to replace it. then look up geyser, and there it is! It means exploding created drinking fountain!
A hot spring that naturally shoots steam and boiling water is called a geyser.
Castle Geyser is a specific geyser located in Yellowstone National Park. It is a type of cone geyser, named for the cone structure that surrounds the vent where the water erupts.
A Conical Geyser (or cone)
Fountain like jets of water and steam
Fountain like jets of water and steam
Castle Geyser
A geyser (like Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park) is a spray of water and steam. It would extinguish most fires.
Steamboat Geyser is a fountain geyser, known for its powerful and tall eruptions that can reach over 300 feet in height. It is the world's tallest currently active geyser, located in the Norris Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park.
Whirligig Geyser
We timed it perfectly! The geyser erupted just as we arrived and we were able to take a great photograph.The geyser ran like clockwork, every day at 3pm it would explode with hot steam and water.A geyser is a true natural spectacle, definitely something to see before you die.
The Geyser Tube is a Diet Coke geyser that is powered by Mentos. You can buy a Geyser Tube online from science project websites.