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For chronographs used in paintball and similar:

The modern chronograph consists of two sensing areas called chronograph screens, which contain optical sensors that detect the passage of the bullet. The bullet is fired so it passes through both screens, and the time it takes the bullet to travel the distance between the screens is measured electronically.

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16y ago
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11y ago

If you are talking about marine chronometers, they are clocks that are precise and accurate enough to be used as a portable time standard. They can be used to determine longitude by means of celestial (use of stars) navigation.

Nowadays the word 'chronometer' is used when talking about watches, and means that the watch was tested and certified to meet certain precision criteria.

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13y ago

It depends on biofluigical bitoncidic elements contained within the chronometer lets say its got regular fygicirical montoxides then you measure it in biodegransible photoxides.

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15y ago

Anything that mesures time is, by definition, a chronometer. There is no alternative.

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11y ago

It keeps exact time and can be used to determine longitude by star navigation.

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9y ago

A chronometer is an instrument designed to measure the time.

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14y ago

a chronometer looks like a banana

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Who uses a Chronometer?

There are so many people who use a chronometer. People who work in the marine use it for celestial navigation among others.

A device used to tell time aboard ship?

marine chronometer.

What can one measure with a marine chronometer?

A marine chronometer measures time. It is a very precise instrument because it can also be used to measure the longitude of the ship at sea using the time shown and the angle of the sun.

What has the author R T Gould written?

R. T. Gould has written: 'The marine chronometer' -- subject(s): Chronometer 'Oddities' 'Enigmas'

What is A device used to tell time aboard ship?

The device is called a marine chronometer.

What part of speech is chronometer?

Chronometer is a noun.

Which technological development made it possible for sailors to find their latitude and longitude for the first time?

For latitude the sextant, and later for longitude, the marine chronometer.

A device used to tell time on a ship?

The marine chronometer is used to tell time on a ship. It was created in the 18th century and is very precise and accurate.

What is a very precise clock called?

Chronometer Chronometer

Who invented the first chronometer?

John Harrison is credited with inventing the first marine chronometer in the mid-18th century. His invention greatly improved navigation at sea by providing an accurate way to determine longitude.

What is a sentence using chronometer?

The ship's captain used a chronometer to accurately navigate the vast ocean.

What is a good sentence for chronometer?

The chronometer is a reliable tool used for precise timekeeping in various scientific experiments.