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Venus' atmosphere is composed mainly of carbon dioxide and a thick layer of sulfuric acid clouds, which can lead to temperatures exceeding 800 degrees Fahrenheit (427 degrees Celsius). The extreme heat and pressure on Venus would quickly burn your skin upon contact.

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Q: What does Venus' atmosphere contain that would burn your skin?
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Can the planet venus. burn wood?

No, Venus cannot burn wood because fire requires oxygen, and Venus has a very thick atmosphere mainly composed of carbon dioxide, which would not support combustion. Additionally, Venus is extremely hot on its surface, with temperatures high enough to melt lead, which would make it impossible for wood to burn.

Why is the atmosphere of Venus more friendly to planets than humans?

The atmosphere of Venus could be thought of as being more friendly to plants than to humans, but such high levels of CO2 trap so much heat that the runaway greenhouse effect would burn any Earth plants to cinders in short order.

How many minutes would it take you to burn up and die on Venus?

It would take a few minutes to burn up and die on Venus due to its extreme temperatures of about 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius) and toxic atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds.

What will happen if you go on venus without a space suit?

I really can't understand this question, the way it is worded, but what i think they are asking is would you be able to survive on venus or walk on venus without a space suit. and the answer is definetly no way we would be able to survive on venus. because, first of all its way too hot on venus it's very close to the sun than on earth unlike mars being the opposite very frigid. it's like a volcano like atmosphere on the surface of venus. you would be burnt to a crisp. also you could'nt breath because venus has no oxygen only carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid in its atmosphere. too much carbon dioxide is poisonous to humans and that would kill you, also the sulfuric acid would burn and eat your skin. not a pleasant environment for humans, also there is no water on venus.

Would a Jupiter freeze or burn on Jupiter?

A human landing on Jupiter would not freeze or burn - they would be crushed by the extreme pressure and intense heat deep within the planet's atmosphere.

Related questions

Why would a human suffocate to death on Venus?

A human would die of asphyxiation on Venus because Venus's atmosphere does not contain oxygen. The main component that makes up the atmosphere of Venus is Carbon Dioxide (CO2)- the by-product of human respiration. But regardless of whether or not theres oxygen on Venus the surface temperature is 900 Degrees F so if we were to stick a human there they would certainly burn to death before suffocation would even start.

Can the planet venus. burn wood?

No, Venus cannot burn wood because fire requires oxygen, and Venus has a very thick atmosphere mainly composed of carbon dioxide, which would not support combustion. Additionally, Venus is extremely hot on its surface, with temperatures high enough to melt lead, which would make it impossible for wood to burn.

If a meteor was near Venus would it go on fire?

Yes. Every planet, with the exception of Mercury, has an outer atmosphere that will burn up any small object that enters into it. If the object is large enough, it might reach the surface of the planet after losing a little bit of mass entering the atmosphere. Yes. If a meteoroid were to enter the atmosphere of Venus and become a meteor, it would get hot and burn, just like it would on Earth. If the meteoroid were large enough to survive, it would become a meteorite and crash on the surface of Venus, possibly causing a crater.

Would you expect to find many or few craters on Venus why?

Little craters because Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, so any comets or asteroids would burn up because of the heat or in the thick atmosphere.

Would someone on mars freeze or burn up?


Would people burn up and fri on Venus?

yes they would?

Why is the atmosphere of Venus more friendly to planets than humans?

The atmosphere of Venus could be thought of as being more friendly to plants than to humans, but such high levels of CO2 trap so much heat that the runaway greenhouse effect would burn any Earth plants to cinders in short order.

Would a human fare on Venus?

No,because they would simply burn to death

Does Venus get burned if it goes around the sun?

No Venus does not get burned. Mercury, the first closest planet doesn't get burned but it gets VERY hot. The same happens with Venus. Venus's thick atmosphere just sucks in the heat but doesnt burn the surface of the planet.

How many minutes would it take you to burn up and die on Venus?

It would take a few minutes to burn up and die on Venus due to its extreme temperatures of about 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius) and toxic atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds.

What will happen if you go on venus without a space suit?

I really can't understand this question, the way it is worded, but what i think they are asking is would you be able to survive on venus or walk on venus without a space suit. and the answer is definetly no way we would be able to survive on venus. because, first of all its way too hot on venus it's very close to the sun than on earth unlike mars being the opposite very frigid. it's like a volcano like atmosphere on the surface of venus. you would be burnt to a crisp. also you could'nt breath because venus has no oxygen only carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid in its atmosphere. too much carbon dioxide is poisonous to humans and that would kill you, also the sulfuric acid would burn and eat your skin. not a pleasant environment for humans, also there is no water on venus.

Does venus atmosphere protect it from craters?

No. Nothing protects a planet from craters. The atmosphere of Venus does give it some production, though, from asteroid and comet impacts, which form craters. Smaller objects will burn up or disintegrate before they can reach the surface. It does little to protect from large impacts, though.