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Scout learns from her father Atticus to be respectful to others like Mrs. Dubose, and to always make sure you walk around in someone else's skin before making assumptions about their life and judging them. Also, Mr. Finch took the Tom Robinson case even though he knew that he would loose the case just because he knew that it was the right thing to do. Jem taught Scout how to be brave and strong even in tough situations. For example, Jem was a role model for Scout while bad rumors were going around about their father for taking the Tom Robinson case. He did not show any anger towards the people who were taunting him and Scout, and was ultimately the reason that Scout stopped fighting the people who said the horrible things about her family. Calpurnia taught Scout how to be a proper lady, and so did her aunt.

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Scout learns empathy, courage, and integrity from her family. She learns to see things from others' perspectives, stand up for what is right, and stay true to her values, even in the face of adversity.

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