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it looks like a tennis ball

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2w ago

From Jupiter, Earth would appear as a bright star in the sky, much like how we see Jupiter from Earth. It would be a small point of light, far too distant to see any details or features. Only advanced telescopes can capture images of Earth from the perspective of Jupiter.

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Does Jupiter look like earth and can you live on it?

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How does the sun look from Jupiter compared to how it looks from Earth?

The sun appears significantly dimmer from Jupiter compared to Earth because Jupiter is much farther away from the sun than Earth. The sun would look like just another bright star in the sky from Jupiter, rather than the intense, dominant source of light we see from Earth.

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How much time does it take for Jupiter to orbit earth?

Jupiter does not orbit Earth. Jupiter orbits the Sun, just like Earth does. It takes Jupiter about 11.86 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

What does it look like on Jupiter?

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, has a cloudy and turbulent atmosphere with distinct bands of different colored clouds. The planet is known for its iconic Great Red Spot, a massive storm that has been raging for centuries. Jupiter also has a system of moons, with the four largest—Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—visible through binoculars or a small telescope.

What does Jupiter look like inside?

Jupiter is predominantly composed of hydrogen and helium gas, with no solid surface. It has a dense core of rock and ice surrounded by layers of metallic hydrogen and a thick atmosphere of colorful clouds. The immense pressure and temperature inside Jupiter create extreme conditions that make it challenging to fully understand its interior structure.

How does Jupiter look from like space?

Jupiter appears as a gas giant with a distinct banded pattern of clouds and a large, swirling storm known as the Great Red Spot. Its atmosphere is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, giving it a vibrant, colorful appearance.

Does Jupiter have rings or satellites?

Jupiter has astroids that look like rings, I think

What type of planet is Jupiter?

Jupiter is a gas giant planet, made mostly of hydrogen and helium with no solid surface. It is the largest planet in our solar system and known for its massive size and powerful storms, including the famous Great Red Spot.

How does the planet Jupiter looks like?

Jupiter is a gas giant with a thick atmosphere made mostly of hydrogen and helium. It has distinct cloud bands and a large red spot known as a persistent storm. Jupiter also has more than 75 moons orbiting around it.

What are the 5 planets visible from earth without a telescope?

The five planets visible from Earth without a telescope are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These planets are often visible to the naked eye and can be seen in the night sky from various locations on Earth at different times throughout the year.

What does the sky look like on Jupiter?

The sky on Jupiter appears a deep, dark blue color due to the presence of ammonia in the atmosphere. Jupiter's dense cloud cover creates colorful bands and swirling storms, like the famous Great Red Spot. Additionally, Jupiter experiences auroras near its poles caused by charged particles interacting with its magnetic field.