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Cl refer to chlorine atoms. They don't exist naturally in that form. Rather, Cl2 refer to chlorine molecules, and they exist as that form in nature.

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13y ago
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12y ago

El CuCl tiene mas cantidad de cobre porque este reacciona con menor cantidad de Cl asi que pierde en menos cantidad sus propiedades .

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7y ago

Copper chloride comes in two varieties:

Cupric chloride or copper (II) chloride is CuCl2

Cuprous chloride or copper (I) chloride is CuCl

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13y ago

"Cupric" has an I and a U in it that aren't in "Copper." The chemical itself is the same in both cases--CuCl2.

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8y ago

CuCl2 is the chemical formula of cupric chloride.

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14y ago

Copper (ll) chloride

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Cl refer to chlorine atoms. They don't exist naturally in that

form. Rather, Cl2 refer to chlorine molecules, and they exist as

that form in nature.

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