4 PM IST is 10:30 AM GMT. India Standard Time (IST) is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
20:00 GMT is 8 PM in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) which translates to 4 PM Eastern Daylight Time in the U.S, 3 PM Central Daylight Time in the U.S. and 2 PM Pacific Daylight Time in the U.S.
When it's 4 PM INST, the local mean time along 60° east longitude is 2:30 PM.
its means 11 because 10pm with 1 hour later 10+1=11
When it is 3:00 PM Central European Time (CET), it is 2:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Amand Landry died in 1877.
Amand Landry was born in 1805.
Amand Bazard died in 1832.
Amand Bazard was born in 1791.
Saint Amand was born in 584.
Saint Amand died in 675.
Amand Struve was born in 1835.
Amand Struve died in 1898.
Amand Goegg was born in 1820.
Amand Goegg died in 1897.
Amand Weaver is 188 cm.
Amand Theis was born on November 19, 1949.