12V-20VA means the device requires a voltage input of 12 volts with a maximum current draw of 20 volts-amps (VA). This rating helps ensure that the power supply can deliver enough current to power the device effectively without damaging it.
means a big coti lol
"Pourquoi" means "why" in French.
i have no idea what it means
Mega means millions.Mega means millions.Mega means millions.Mega means millions.
It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.It means seven.
de- means from, down, outdeca- means tendemi- means halfdi- means two, doubledia- means through acrossdis- means apart, out, notdorn- means sleepdys- means baddin- means terribledino- means terribledeci- means tenth
M means movementR means respirationN means nutritionI means iritationG means growthE means excretionR means reproductionD means dirth and birth
Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.
Der Rat means advice or council.rufen means to call.regnen means to rain.Der Regen means rain.Die Ratte means rat.reich means rich.Das Reich means empire or realm.Die Rente means pension.reisen means to travel.rauchen means to smoke.rennen means to run.Die Religion means religion.Der Roman means novel.
J means joyful A means adorable K means kind E means excellent R means respectful I means intellegent A means active
Yellow means your happy Blue means your sad Red means your mad Green means your funny Purple means your bored Pink means your in a shopping mood Black means your Emo
Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.
That means fever.That means fever.That means fever.That means fever.
the question answer is you want to play on/with your computer the tu means you, aimes means want, jouer means play, `a means on ,l`ordinateur means computer
Sí means "yes". Si (no accent) means "if".
What do Colors Mean?Blue means: youth, spirituality, truth, and peace.Green means: nature, envyRed means: love.Purple means: loyalty and wealth.Yellow means: happiness, friendship.Pink means: friendship.White means: Innocence and purity.Black means: darkness, loneliness or sadness.Orange means: energy, enthusiasm and creativity.Gray means: loss or depression.Brown means: earth, order, convention.Indigo means: mystical borderland of wisdom, self-mastery and spiritual realization.