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Then the sun would burn earth,animals, plants,humans would die because it's too hot for earth venus and Mercury.

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8mo ago

If our sun were a white star, it would be hotter and have a shorter lifespan compared to its current state as a yellow dwarf star. The Earth would likely be too close to the star to support life as we know it, as white stars emit more intense ultraviolet radiation.

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What would happen to the sun when it dies?

Convert into a dwarf white star which is really hot, then a neutron star, and finally, a black hole.

What would happen if the sun were a blue star?

I think that it would be to hot to live on earth and we would have never existed

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Not quite sure what the intended question was - - - which star are you asking about? The sun IS a star - the one our planet orbits.

What color of star is our Sun?

White - it defines white for us.

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The obvious reason is that the specific star has bigger density compared with the Sun. For example, that star could be a "white dwarf star". A white dwarf mostly contains "electron degenerate matter", which is very dense. A white dwarf is a small dense star.

Is your sun a supernova or a white dwarf?

Our Sun is currently a main sequence star. It is not a supernova, as supernovae are massive explosions that occur at the end of a star's life cycle, and it is not a white dwarf, which is a type of star that has exhausted its nuclear fuel and collapsed to a very dense state.

What will happen to a star when it dies?

It will explode as a supernova and fade away, leaving a neutron star or a black hole. That's only if the star is "high mass". For low mass stars like our Sun there's no explosion. This type of star will become a white dwarf star.

True or false. our sun is a white dwarf star?

False. Our sun is a main sequence star, not a white dwarf. A main sequence star is in the middle stage of its life cycle, whereas a white dwarf is the final stage of a much smaller star's life cycle.

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The sun will eventually end up as a?

white dwarf star

What is the final sage of a star like the sun?

It should become a white dwarf star.

What is the star life cycle of the sun?

Life cycle of a sun like star. A sun like star will start out as a nebula to a protostar to a main sequence star to a red giant and into a white dwarf and will simply fade out.