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Q: What do you observe at the poles?
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The large winds that circle the Earth occur because the equator does what?

The large winds that circle the Earth, known as the trade winds, occur because the equator receives more solar energy than the poles. This temperature difference causes air to rise at the equator and sink at the poles, creating a circulation pattern that we observe as the trade winds.

What kind of wind system would earth have if it did not rotate?

If Earth did not rotate, the wind system would be governed mainly by temperature differences between the equator and poles, leading to a simple north-south circulation pattern. Winds would blow from the poles towards the equator at the surface, and from the equator towards the poles aloft. The rotational effects that give rise to the complex global wind patterns we observe today would be absent.

How do you determine the poles of a button magnet?

The poles of a button magnet can be determined by using a compass. Place the compass near the magnet and observe which end of the compass needle points towards the magnet. The end pointing towards the magnet's north pole indicates the south pole of the magnet, and vice versa.

Is earth's magnetic poles and its geographic poles are in the same place?

No, Earth's magnetic poles and its geographic poles are not in the same place. The geographic poles are the points where Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface, while the magnetic poles are where the planet's magnetic field lines converge and enter/exit the Earth. The magnetic poles are constantly moving and can deviate from the geographic poles.

How do the poles on a magnet affect the interaction of two magnects?

the poles effect it beacuse it can attract the poles

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Where did the severe depletion of ozone layer observe?

Severe depletion is absorbed at poles. It is because ozone depletion occurs mostly at the poles.

What is the probe that was launched in 1990 to study the sun's poles?

The Ulysses probe was launched in 1990 to study the sun's poles. It provided valuable data on the sun's magnetic field, solar winds, and other phenomena at high solar latitudes that are difficult to observe from Earth.

The large winds that circle the Earth occur because the equator does what?

The large winds that circle the Earth, known as the trade winds, occur because the equator receives more solar energy than the poles. This temperature difference causes air to rise at the equator and sink at the poles, creating a circulation pattern that we observe as the trade winds.

Why are there different types of totem poles?

entryway poles, ridicule poles and shame poles.

What kind of wind system would earth have if it did not rotate?

If Earth did not rotate, the wind system would be governed mainly by temperature differences between the equator and poles, leading to a simple north-south circulation pattern. Winds would blow from the poles towards the equator at the surface, and from the equator towards the poles aloft. The rotational effects that give rise to the complex global wind patterns we observe today would be absent.

How do you determine the poles of a button magnet?

The poles of a button magnet can be determined by using a compass. Place the compass near the magnet and observe which end of the compass needle points towards the magnet. The end pointing towards the magnet's north pole indicates the south pole of the magnet, and vice versa.

How many does a magnet pole have?

It has 2 Poles the North Pole and the South Pole . Extra Info . : Like Poles repel where as unlike Poles attract .

Where is a magnets pull the strongest?

The north and south poles.

What is the relationship between the poles on the magnet?

like poles attract unlike poles repel

Is earth's magnetic poles and its geographic poles are in the same place?

No, Earth's magnetic poles and its geographic poles are not in the same place. The geographic poles are the points where Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface, while the magnetic poles are where the planet's magnetic field lines converge and enter/exit the Earth. The magnetic poles are constantly moving and can deviate from the geographic poles.

Why were fishing poles invented?

Fishing poles were invented to fish with because they are called fishing poles.

How do the poles on a magnet affect the interaction of two magnects?

the poles effect it beacuse it can attract the poles