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We don't 'need' to - we do it 'because it's there' - and we're naturally curious.

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Q: What do you need to explore the planet of mars?
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What is the Mars Planning Group?

The Mars Planning Group is a group established by NASA to explore the planet Mars.

Which planet did the robot rover spirit explore?

It explored Mars.

What is the name of the rover that was sent to mars to explore and give information about the planet?

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How do you go to Mars on Google Earth?

To "go to Mars" on Google Earth, you can switch to the "Mars" view by clicking on the planet icon at the bottom of the screen and selecting Mars. This will allow you to explore the surface of Mars using imagery and features similar to those of Earth. Keep in mind that Google Earth's Mars view is based on data from NASA and other sources, providing a detailed look at the red planet's surface.

A planet known as the red planet?

Mars is often referred to as the "red planet" due to its reddish appearance caused by iron oxide, or rust, on its surface. It is the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system and is known for its distinct red color. Mars has been a key target for exploration by various space agencies due to its potential for past microbial life and its potential for future human missions.

Do you need food on mars or water?

no you cant because it is physically impossible to live on mars the red planet

Is mars an inner planet or outter planet?

Mars is an inner planet.

Is mars the inner planet or the outer planet?

Mars is an inner planet, located between Earth and the asteroid belt. The inner planets are rocky and terrestrial, while the outer planets are gas giants.

Which planet nicknamed the red planet?


Why does Mars have a rocky planet?

Mars IS a rocky planet

What was planet Mars named after?

Planet mars was named after the god of war mars.

The robotic rover opportunity was used to explore the surface of which planet?

The robotic rover Opportunity was used to explore the surface of Mars.