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Q: What do you meausure in centametre?
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What to decimeters meausure?

Decimeters measure length or distance. One decimeter is equal to 0.1 meters, or 10 centimeters. It is typically used for shorter measurements or in contexts where a more precise measurement than meters is needed.

When do you use the protractor?

You use a protractor to meausure angles in degrees. Or you can draw a semi-circle (my favorite) ;)

Why do tailors use a measuring tape instead of scale to take body measurement?

because it is difficult to meausure from scale.

The measure of the pull of gravity?

Weight is the measure of the pull of gravity. Weight is the mass of an object and can be measured by using a scale.

What is the area of a trapezoid if the meausure of the base is 8 and the height is 5?

Area of a trapezoid = 0.5*(sum of parallel bases)*height Need to know the measure of the other base

What units is to meausure a ohmmeter?

An ohmmeter measures electrical resistance. This is one part of "impedance", that prevents electricity from flowing freely from one part of a circuit to another. Resistance is measured in "ohms".

Is there a way you can use a yardstick to meausure how much fuel you have in a 100 gallon tank?

To get an accurate reading, you'd actually have to graduate the dipstick, starting with an empty tank. You'd add five gallons, dip the stick in, and then notch the stick at the fuel level. And you'd repeat this process. Not all tanks are the same shape or dimension.

How is sewing related to math?

Sewing is math, in a way. Here are some of the many reasons that sewing is like math: 1. You have to meausure your fabrics to make sure that you have enough for your projects. 2. Using a seam gauge. 3. Hemming to the correct length. 4. There are sooo many other ways. Let me know if you need more!

How did the government survey the land?

Governments typically survey land by using professional surveyors who measure and map different parcels of land using specialized equipment such as GPS devices and surveying tools. These surveys help establish property boundaries, land ownership, and other important land-related information.

What does an ohm meausure?

Ohm is the unit used to measure electrical resistance. It is a derived unit equal to 1 kg m2 s-3 A-2 In many situations a simpler conversion is that 1 Ohm is equal to 1 V per Amp (Resistance = Voltage/Current)

What does Hooke's Law meausure?

Hooke's Law is a principle in physics that states the force needed to extend or compress a spring by a certain distance is directly proportional to that distance. It helps in understanding the elasticity of materials and is commonly used to calculate the deformation or elongation of a spring when subjected to a force.

Which meausure is greater one yard or one meter?

The conversion between m and yard are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . we know , 1 m=1.0391 yards. seeing this realtion we can say that 1 meter is greater than 1 yard.