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Fossil fuels are non-renewable because we don´t make them. We dig them up out of the ground. We don´t know how much fossil fuel we will be able to find in the ground, but we do know that it is not infinite. It takes thousands of years for fossil fuels to be made in the ground, and we are using them at a much faster rate, and we will therefore, someday, run out of it. Renewable energy sources include solar power, which will be available as long as our sun keeps burning. For our purposes, this is pretty much infinite.

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Fossil fuels are nonrenewable because they are finite resources that take millions of years to form. Once we extract and burn them, they cannot be easily replaced within a human timescale. This means that they will eventually run out if we continue to consume them at the current rate.

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Q: What do you mean when you say that fossil fuels are nonrewnewable?
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What is the positive impact on the environment from fossil fuels?

fossil fuels can help us by burning them to cook our food, driving us to work everyday, and other things. however, using to many of these fossil fuels can harm us as well. they can run out if they are not renewable. they also destroy the ozone layer, which protects us from the ultra violent rays from the sun. if we put a hole in the ozone layer, the whole planet will die and burn up because of the massive heat.

Can fossil fuels be made in laboratory?

Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are formed from organic material over millions of years through natural processes. While it is theoretically possible to create fuels with similar properties in a laboratory using synthetic methods, it is not currently practical or cost-effective on a large scale due to the complex nature of fossil fuels' composition and the time it takes for them to form naturally.

Which energy source has the greatest impact on Earth's living environment?

Fossil fuels have the greatest impact on Earth's living environment due to their greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, air and water pollution, and habitat destruction from extraction activities.

Where are the fossil fuels located in the US?

Fossil fuels in the US are primarily located in regions like Texas, Alaska, Wyoming, Louisiana, and the Appalachian Basin. These areas contain large deposits of oil, natural gas, and coal that are extracted for energy production.

Why are fossil fules important to humans?

Fossil fuels are important to humans because they provide a significant source of energy for electricity, heating, transportation, and manufacturing. They have played a crucial role in the industrial revolution and the development of modern society. However, their use contributes to air pollution, global warming, and other environmental issues.

Related questions

How many fossil fuels do you use in everyday living?

Well it's hard to say there are only three fossil fuels altoghether Coal, oil, and natural gas so no one really knows how many fossil fuels we use in everydayliving

Does Australia have enough fossil fuels to last forever?

I would have to say no, because no fossil fuels last forever, as they are nonrenewable resources and the definition of nonrenewable is that they will eventually become nonexistent.

Why can you say that the energy obtained by burning fossil fuels originated by the sun?

your not cool.

Why is it wrong to say that fossil fuels are stores of light energy?

It's wrong to say this because it is inaccurate. Fossil fuels are stores of potential energy which can be converted (through combustion) into heat energy. Light energy is the energy that gives off light, but fossil fuels do not give off light.

Can you say that carbon is found in fossil fuels?

Yes, carbon from trees, plants and animal life (maybe even some early dinosaurs) was stored in fossil fuels 300 million years ago.

How can roller coasters use fossil fuels?

Most, if not all, roller coasters are powered by electricity. Most electricity is still being generated by burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). As this burning emits carbon dioxide you can clearly say that roller coasters are contributing to global warming by using fossil fuels.

How do you save coal in Hindi?

we should minimize the use of fossil fuels and we should use carpools as well as as drive at a moderate speed. we should try to reduce the use of these fossil fuels that might help us in our future & we should use these fossil fuels carefully.

How do fossil fuels cause damage to earth with out being burned?

Fossil fuels can leak or spill during extraction, transport, and storage, leading to contamination of soil, water, and air. They can also release methane, a potent greenhouse gas, during extraction processes like drilling and fracking. Additionally, the extraction of fossil fuels often involves habitat destruction and disruption of ecosystems.

How long have humans been using fossil fuels?

Humans have been using fossil fuels for around 200 years, starting in the early 19th century with the Industrial Revolution. The widespread use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas has significantly shaped modern society and economies.

What are two reasons people say that you have an energy crisis?

It is because we are running out of fossil fuels and beecause of climate change

What are fuils?

FOSSIL FUELS, are natural fuels that are used to create energy. Commonly burnt to release thermal energy, then transfered into electrical energy. Fossil Fuels are things like Coal, Oil, Gas and are adding to globak warming when they are burnt. Scientists believe that in around 50 years, if the world continued to use up all these fossil fuels, there would be none left. A few weeks ago they figured out that fossil fuels dont exist, they are something that the world generates, they found this out because, places they thought they sucked dry of "Fossil fuels" they found a few months later, that it was filled back up, so, all you people who say, dont use fossil fuels, are stupid, and therefore, dont know what they are saying, DONT LISTEN TO YOUR SCHOOL TEACHERS! THEY LIE!

Why is it difficult to say exactly when the world will run out of fossil fuels?

To know when the earth's fossil fuels will be completely gone, it is necessary to know: 1. Supply: The existing and future quantities (yet to be discovered) of fossil fuels and 2. Consumption: The rate at which the world will consume these fuels. There is disagreement among organizations on the future supply and consumption. Many predict that as the supply becomes more expensive, we will use energy conservation to reduce the demand. However, as the standard of living improves in many countries, in particular India and China, the demand for fossil fuels has increased. There is disagreement as to the role of alternative fuels will have in the future. Some predict that the demand for fossil fuels will decline as alternative fuels offer a more economical option. The related link is excellent in describing the predicted peak then decline of fossil fuels. You may find many links on the internet. Also, several recent books have been written about the period of "peak" and "decline" periods in fossil fuel supply.