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Q: What do you call the sheet of skin at the end of a tube in your ear?
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What is the only tube in the middle ear?

The ear has three chambers: outer, middle and inner ears.Outer ear: pinna/auricle, auditory canal, tympanic membraneMiddle ear: tympanic membrane, ossicles, oval window and auditory tubeInner ear: oval window, cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals & auditory nerveSound waves travel into the auditory canal and strike the tympanic membrane.The tympanic membrane vibrates.Sound vibrations are amplified and transmitted by the ossicles to the oval window.Vibrations are transferred to fluid environment of the inner ear, converted into electrical energy and sent to the brain for interpretation.

What is the eustastian tube?

The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and upper throat. Its primary function is to equalize pressure between the middle ear and the outside environment, helping to maintain proper ear function and prevent issues like ear infections.

What is connected to the nasopharynx by the auditory or eustachian tube?

The middle ear is connected to the nasopharynx by the auditory (eustachian) tube. This tube helps equalize pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere and allows for drainage of fluids from the middle ear to the back of the throat.

Is there another name for eustachian tube?

Another name for the eustachian tube is the auditory tube. It connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx and helps equalize pressure between the middle ear and the environment.

What connects your throat and your middle ear?

The Eustachian tube is the structure that connects the throat (pharynx) to the middle ear. It helps regulate air pressure in the middle ear and drains fluids produced in the middle ear. If the Eustachian tube becomes blocked or dysfunctional, it can lead to issues like ear infections or hearing problems.

Related questions

What is the skin stretched across tube in the outer ear?

What you are referring to is the tympanic membrane or eardrum.

What is the skin stretched across across tube in the outer ear?

What you are referring to is the tympanic membrane or eardrum.

What is the coiled tube in the inner ear?

The coiled tube of the inner ear is called the Cochlea.

Is the ear connected to nose?

Your Eustachian Tube connects your ear to your nose.

What is the function of the tube that leads from the middle ear to the throat?

The tube that leads from the middle ear to the throat is called the Eustachian tube. Its function is to equalize air pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere, which helps protect the ear from damage and allows for proper hearing. It also helps drain fluid from the middle ear to prevent infections.

What is the small tube lined with ear wax and ear hair?

The small tube lined with ear wax and ear hair is the ear canal. It is where sound waves pass through to reach the eardrum, causing it to vibrate and enabling us to hear. The ear wax helps to protect the ear canal from dust, dirt, and bacteria.

What is the role of a Eustachain tube?

The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear cavity to the nasopharynx. It aerates the middle ear system into the nasopharynx. Normal opening of the Eustachian tube equalizes atmospheric pressure in the middle ear, closing of the tube protects the middle ear from unwanted pressure fluctuations and loud sounds

Blocked eustachian tube?

The Eustachian tube is located within the human ear. If the Eustachian tube is blocked, air is prevented from passing through to the middle ear.

What is the pharyngotympanic tube and what is its purpose?

pharyngotympanic ( pharyn: pharynx, go, tympanic:middle ear) is also called Eustachian tube or Auditory tube. this tube is the connection between the middle ear to pharynx (nasal cavity). the functions are: 1- the equalizing pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere. 2-drains mucus from the middle ear.

Is the external ear surrounding the outer end of the tube that leads to the ear drum?

outer ear

What part of the ear is not related to hearing?

Eustachian tube or Auditory tube

Which part of the ear has nothing to do with hearing?

The outer ear, consisting of the earlobe and ear canal, has no direct role in hearing. Its main function is to collect sound waves from the environment and channel them towards the middle and inner ear where the process of hearing takes place.