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-- Without gravity, there would be no orbits.

-- Gravity bends the motion of a planet into a curve. Without gravity, the planet

would continue in a straight line, and there would be no orbits.

-- Once you completely understand gravity, you can figure out everything there is

to know about orbits, because it all comes from the behavior of gravity.

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14y ago
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12y ago

The force of gravity is still there - and far out into space, but in the case of an orbiting body, it is exactly balanced out by the centrifugal force - or is it the centripetal. You research that last bit.

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3w ago

That force is called centripetal force. It is responsible for keeping objects moving in a curved path, such as the orbit of planets around a star or satellites around a planet.

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13y ago

It's called gravity. Things in orbit are freely falling - but they have exactly enough horizontal velocity that they miss the body they're falling towards.

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GRAVITY!A2. Centripetal force. The velocity of the satellite around the earth causes centripetal, force which balances with the gravity, holding it in a circular orbit around the earth.

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