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Q: What do you call the basic facilities that are needed for a society to function?
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What does infrastructures mean?

Infrastructure refers to the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society, community or enterprise.

Why do we have to pay taxes?

Taxes are one of the basic concepts of a civilized society. Taxes are needed in order for a governemnt to operate and function.

What are the infra mean?

"Infra" typically refers to infrastructure, which encompasses the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. This can include buildings, roads, power supplies, and other essential facilities.

Define the word infrastructure?

Infrastructureis basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise,[1] or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function.[2] It can be generally defined as the set of interconnected structural elements that provide framework supporting an entire structure of development. It is an important term for judging a country or region's development.

Which of the following terms best describes the basic physical structures services and facilities needed for the country to operate?

Infrastructure is the term that best describes the basic physical structures, services, and facilities needed for a country to operate, including transportation systems, utilities, and communication networks.

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Only small changes are needed to make society better.

What is a basic belief of moderates?

only small changes are needed to make society better?

What is the function of transportation?

The key function of transportation, at its most fundamental level, is to provide basic mobility to society. source:

One basic function of a family is to get a child ready to live in?

Yes, one basic function of a family is to socialize children and prepare them for adulthood through teaching values, norms, and basic life skills. Families provide emotional support, guidance, and nurturing to help children develop into independent and responsible individuals capable of functioning in society.

The basic unit of structure and function in a living thing is a?

cell. A cell is the smallest unit of life that can carry out all the processes necessary for an organism to function. It contains the biological machinery needed to perform essential functions like growth, energy production, and reproduction.

The basic function of a transformer is to change?

The basic function of a transformer is to change voltage levels.

What is the basic unit of the Filipino society?

The family is the basic unit of the Filipino society.