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Volcanic bombs.

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Q: What do you call large falling chunks of lava?
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Related questions

What is large chunks of lava called?

nothing its just called lava fora reason.

What are volcano bombs?

They are called lava bombs they are chunks of semi molten rock thrown up from the volcano and then falling from a great height. When they hit the ground they have the shape of a bomb.

What kind of lava hardens to form chunks?

It is called aa

What does AA mean in terms of Earth Science?

AA: jagged chunks of lava formed by rapid cooling on the surface of a lava flow

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On poptropica in astro knights how do you jump on the rising lava without falling?

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When large amounts of lava flows out of fissures onto land the lava can cover a large area and form a plain called what?

a plateau

Where is the best place to find obsidian chunks on HorseIsle?

Any of the Lava Isles are where you can find obsidian chunks. There is no "best" place. Also, sometimes you can find them in the rock shops if another player has sold them recently.

Do cinder cone volcanoes have AA lava or pahoehoe lava?

Pahoehoe and a'a refer to different texutres of lava flows. Although cindercones can produce lava flows, their main mode of eruption is called "fire fountaining" which tends to produce chunks of lava called scoria, rather than pahoehoe or a'a.

Is lava considered weather?

Lava is not weather, it is the result of a volcano eruption. The eruption itself can cause weather issues such as falling ash and clouds, but lava is not considered "weather".

What materials do cinder cone volcanoes produce?

Cinder cones produce ash and chunks of lava rock called scoria.