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With modern technology, there are many planes that can travel faster than the speed of sound, including many fighter planes and a few airliners.
Any aircraft that flies faster than 1 Mach is faster than the speed of sound.
Almost all modern day fighters travel at speeds in excess of the speed of sound. That includes the Russian MIGS from mig17 on, French Mirage, All US fighters.
The planes which can fly at the speed of sound are SR-71, Mig-25, F-16, F-18, F-22, Sukhoi Su-47 and many others.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Such aircraft are typically powered by jet engines. 'Supersonic' is the word that means 'faster than the speed of sound.' 'Supersonic jet aircraft' aptly names the type of aircraft that is posited in the question.

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4w ago

An airplane that travels faster than the speed of sound is commonly referred to as a supersonic airplane.

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12y ago

The concorde.

built by British Aerospace and flown by British Airways and AirFrance. Now u/s due to its crash in 2000.

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Relate the speed of sound to different mediums?

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