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You would call this volcano dormant. Dormant means that the volcano could erupt but right now the volcano is inactive/dormant.

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Q: What do you call a volcano that has not erupted for 1000 years?
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What do you call a volcano that has not erupted for hundreds of years?

Such a volcano is dormant.

What do you call a volcano that is not dead but hasn't erupted for many years?

A volcano which has not erupted for many years can be described as dormant. The word dormant is derived from the French, dormire, meaning to sleep.

What do you call a volcano that has erupted for a long time?

Simply an "active" Volcano. If it has NOT erupted for a long time it can be a "dormant" or "extinct" Volcano.

What do you call a volcano that has not erupted in a while but just did?

A volcano that has erupted recently is considered active. In the time before it erupted, if it had not previously erupted in historic times, it is considered dormant.

What do you call a volcano that has not erupted in a while?


What do you call a volcano that has not eruped but could still erupted?

A "Dormant Volcano"

What do you call it after it has erupted?

After a volcano has erupted, the resulting depression at the summit is known as a caldera.

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What is call when a volcano is not active?

A volcano that is not currently erupting and has not erupted in historical times is considered dormant.

When a volcano has not erupted for thousands of years what is it called?

A volcano that has not erupted for thousands of years is typically referred to as dormant. This means that while the volcano is currently inactive, there is still potential for future eruptions.

What is A volcano that has not erupted recently but May also do so in the future?

This is described as a dormant volcano (neither active nor extinct).

What call molten rock before it has erupted?

Molten rock below the surface of the Earth is known as magma. After it erupts from a volcano it is called lava.