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Q: What do those scienceists who believe the earth is experiencing global warming use as evidence to support their claims?
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Simply put, because there is not enough evidence to support it. "Rejected by scientists" should not be taken to always mean "scientist believe it is impossible" - rather, consistent evidence that support the hypothesis has not been produced.

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Having evidence to support a statement is important because it adds credibility and strengthens the argument being made. Evidence helps to validate the claim and gives others a reason to believe or trust in the information being provided. Without evidence, statements can be seen as purely opinion-based and lacking in credibility.

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I think there is, there is photographic evidence and i am currently working on the scientific evidence. (i.e how deep does the lochness have to be and could it support the monster?)=if anyone finds any pure evidence the let me know by answering this question: is the any pure evidence for the lochness monster?=

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Evidence suggesting we could be experiencing a sixth mass extinction includes the high rate of species extinction, the loss of biodiversity, and the significant impact of human activities such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change on ecosystems worldwide. Trends in population decline and habitat loss further support the hypothesis of a sixth mass extinction event.

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Some believe so, and there is some evidence to support the idea. But, he failed miserably by leaving Stalin to take his place.

What do those scientists who believe the earth is experiencing global warming use as evidence to support their claims?

Scientists who believe in global warming use various types of evidence, including temperature data, sea level rise, melting ice caps, and changes in weather patterns. They also rely on computer models that simulate future climate scenarios based on current trends. These pieces of evidence collectively suggest that the Earth's climate is indeed warming due to human activities.