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Q: What do these words have in common lungs dorsal thoracic pelvic?
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What body cavity protects the organs of reproduction abdominal dorsal or thoracic?

Neither. The main cavity is called the abdominopelvic cavity. A sub-cavity inside that is the pelvic cavity. That is where you will find the organs of reproduction. The dorsal cavity is along your back and skull. The thoracic is where your heart and lungs are. The abdominal cavity is a sub-cavity of the abdominopelvic cavity, its where your stomach and other related organs are.

What are the two major cavities of the body are called?

The two major cavities of the body are the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity. The thoracic cavity houses the heart and lungs, while the abdominal cavity contains organs such as the liver, stomach, and intestines.

Are the abdominal and pelvic cavities separated by the diaphragm?

Yes, the abdominal and pelvic cavities are separated by the pelvic floor muscles, not the diaphragm. The diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity, which contains the heart and lungs.

Is the canine diaphragm dorsal or ventral to the stomach?

The canine diaphragm is dorsal to the stomach. It separates the thoracic cavity (where the lungs are located) from the abdominal cavity (where the stomach is located).

The body has how many major cavities?

The body has four major cavities: cranial cavity (contains the brain), thoracic cavity (contains the heart and lungs), abdominal cavity (contains the stomach and intestines), and pelvic cavity (contains the reproductive organs and bladder).

Which cavities are lungs are found in?

The pleural cavities, ventral and thoracic

What body cavities are divided by the diaphragm?

The diaphragm divides the body into two main cavities: the thoracic cavity above the diaphragm, which contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm, which houses the digestive organs such as the stomach, liver, and intestines.

Two major cavities of the body?

The two major cavities of the body are the ventral cavity and the dorsal cavity. The ventral cavity includes the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities, while the dorsal cavity includes the cranial and spinal cavities.

Where is that the thoracic cavity in relation to abdominal pelvic cavity?

Those in the Thoracic Cavity are the heart and lungs. ' The Abdominal Cavity holds the digestive organs.

What cavity houses the lungs?

The thoracic cavity is the anatomical region with the lungs being situated inside the right and left pleural cavities that flank the pericardial cavity .

WhaT one of the major closed body cavities contains connective tissue membranes?

The thoracic cavity is a major closed body cavity that contains connective tissue membranes. These membranes, such as the parietal and visceral pleura, line the thoracic cavity and protect organs like the lungs and heart.

What two organs are in the dorsal cavity?

The ventral cavity houses almost all of the major body organs. It is subdivided into 2 cavities: a) thoracic cavity - housed by the ribcage. b) abdominopelvic cavity - located on the abdomen and pelvis, as the name implies. The diaphragm is the muscle organ that separates the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity. The organs on each sub-cavity are as follows: THORACIC: heart - located in the mediastinum 2 lungs ABDOMINAL liver stomach pancreas gall bladder spleen small and large intestines 2 kidneys 2 adrenal glands ureter PELVIC female - uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, urinary bladder male - urinary bladder, prostate gland, seminal vesicles