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Q: What do the incoming squiggles represent when an electron jumps up an orbital level?
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A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus best represents what?

A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus best represents the probability distribution of finding electrons in an atom. This model is described by quantum mechanics and helps to visualize the regions where electrons are most likely to be found in an atom.

Regions inside the atom where electrons are likely to be found are called?

Electron orbitals or electron clouds. These regions represent the probability of finding an electron at a specific location around the nucleus of an atom.

Which electron is on average further from the nucleus an electron in a 3p orbital or an electron in a 4p orbital?

An electron in a 2s orbital is on average closer to the nucleus.

What does electron orbital describe?

An electron orbital describes the probable location of an electron within an atom. It represents the three-dimensional region where an electron is most likely to be found, based on the electron's energy level, shape, and orientation within the atom. Each orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins.

Is it true or false an orbital diagram uses arrows to represent the spin of the electrons?

An orbital is a region of space that an electron can exist in. For the diagram you start with the 1 s orbital and then 2s, 2p, and so on. Each orbital can hold 2 electrons and each arrow represents, as shown in this image.

Is orbital with no electron possible?

Yes, it's called an unoccupied orbital. There are actually infinitely many unoccupied orbitals for each atom. They represent possible solutions to the wave equation for the atom, and could potentially be occupied by an electron if the atom enters an excited state.

What happens to electrons when pigments in photo-systems 2 absorb light?

Light or photons are little packets of energy. When this energy is absorbed by an electron it boots the electrons energy and the electron jumps to a higher orbital shell position (which must be vacant of its electron). The electron can only do this when the energy needed for the jump and the energy in the incoming photon match. Thus specific colours of light are absorbed depending on the element present.

How many electron orbitals does helium have?

Helium has a total of 1 electron orbital. This electron orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons.

What is the Electron Orbital Pattern of boron?

The electron orbital pattern of boron is 1s2 2s2 2p1. This means it has 2 electrons in the 1s orbital, 2 electrons in the 2s orbital, and 1 electron in the 2p orbital.

What is an orbital in science?

Orbital describes space where electron is found. it provides probability for the presence of electron.

The shape of the orbital influences the electrons?

Yes, the shape of an orbital represents the probability of finding an electron in a specific region around the nucleus. Different types of orbitals (s, p, d, f) have distinct shapes that determine the spatial distribution of electrons in an atom. This affects various properties such as chemical reactivity and bonding behavior.

From which orbital in a lithium atom is an electron transferred to make a positive ion?

An electron is transferred from the 2s orbital of a lithium atom to create a Li+ ion.