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Q: What do the elements in p block have in common with the standpoint of electron structure?
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What do the first 82 elements in the periodic table have in common?

The first 82 elements in the periodic table are all naturally occurring elements. They range from hydrogen to lead and have unique chemical properties based on their atomic structure and electron configurations. These elements form the building blocks of all matter in the universe.

Which table has different elements arranged by common properties in rows and columns?

The periodic table of elements is the table that arranges different elements based on their common properties in rows and columns. It helps to organize and classify elements by their atomic number, electron configuration, and chemical properties.

What is the most common charge of elements for Phosphorous?

The most common charge for phosphorus is -3, as it typically forms an anion by gaining three electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What do alkali metals have in common with electron shells?

Alkali metals have one electron in their outermost electron shell, making them highly reactive. The presence of this single electron makes them willing to donate it to achieve a stable electron configuration, which is typical of elements in group 1 of the periodic table.

What are the trace elements commonly present in stable minerals?

Some common trace elements found in stable minerals include titanium, manganese, strontium, and chromium. These elements are usually present in very low concentrations compared to the major elements in the mineral structure.

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What do atomic structure and a game of roulette have in common?

Both atomic structure and a game of roulette involve elements of probability and uncertainty. In atomic structure, electron location is described by probability distributions. In roulette, the outcome of a spin is unpredictable, relying on chance.

Why do all the member of a group of elements have similar properties?

Elements in the same group have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons, which are the electrons involved in chemical reactions. This common valence electron configuration leads to similar chemical behavior within a group of elements.

What does elements in groop one have in common?

They all have one electron in the outer most shell

What do the first 82 elements in the periodic table have in common?

The first 82 elements in the periodic table are all naturally occurring elements. They range from hydrogen to lead and have unique chemical properties based on their atomic structure and electron configurations. These elements form the building blocks of all matter in the universe.

What is a group and the period?

Rows of elements are called periods. The period number of an element signifies the highest unexcited energy level for an electron in that element. Columns of elements help define element groups. Elements within a group share several common properties. Groups are elements have the same outer electron arrangement.

Why does't ice float in air?

From a physics standpoint, F = ma Fg = mg From a common sense standpoint, personal experience

What is common to the atoms of different elements such that they behave similarly?

their internal structure makes them behave in a similar way.

Do elements in the same group or elements in the same period have more in common?

Elements in the same group have more in common because they have the same number of valence electrons, leading to similar chemical properties. Elements in the same period have increasing atomic numbers and electron shells, but their properties can vary widely due to different numbers of electron shells and arrangements.

What do the elements in the first comlumn of the periodic table have in common when ionized?

They all lose an electron each and so carry a charge of +1.

What do the elements of Group 1 on the periodic table have in common?

They are all reactive metals with one valence electron in their outermost s sublevel.

Which table has different elements arranged by common properties in rows and columns?

The periodic table of elements is the table that arranges different elements based on their common properties in rows and columns. It helps to organize and classify elements by their atomic number, electron configuration, and chemical properties.

What common characteristic is generally shared by the elements at the center of a period?

Elements at the center of a period tend to have the highest electronegativity and smallest atomic radii compared to the other elements in the period. Additionally, these elements often possess a stable electron configuration.