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Q: What do swallowing cells do?
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What does the medical terminology combining form phago- mean?

Phago means swallowing. For example, phagocytes are cells that swallow other cells. Dysphagia means difficulty swallowing.

What do swallowing cells do to your body?

Swallowing cells help to maintain the health of the digestive system by breaking down food particles and absorbing nutrients. They play a crucial role in the process of digestion and extracting vital substances from food for the body to use. Additionally, swallowing cells help to protect against harmful bacteria and pathogens that may be present in the food we consume.

Does swallowing an egg an taking a shot of vinegar really flush your system in twelve hours?

No. Marijuana is stored in the fat cells of your body.

What the windpipe does NOT do when swallowing?

Breathing stops for a moment when swallowing. So no breathing occurs when swallowing.

What is the process of swallowing?

the process of swallowing is called deglutition.

Is swallowing a reflex or instinct?

Swallowing is a reflex.

Can you get pregnant if you swallow the sperm?

Semen generally contains sperm cells, and it is the sperm cells in the semen that cause pregnancy. However, if the man has had a successful vasectomy or had his testes removed, his semen will not contain sperm cells.

Can you swallow cancer cells?

Cancer cells can be engulfed by immune cells in the body, preventing them from spreading. Swallowing cancer cells would not cause cancer in the person because cancer is not a contagious disease that can be transmitted through ingestion. However, it is important to focus on prevention and early detection of cancer through healthy lifestyle habits and regular screenings.

How is speech swallowing and resonance effected by bell palsy?

There can be issues with swallowing

How many pages does Swallowing Darkness have?

Swallowing Darkness has 384 pages.

What is the ISBN of Swallowing Darkness?

The ISBN of Swallowing Darkness is 978-0345495938.

What will happen if you add a teaspoon of salt to human cells in osmosis?

The reaction would produce so much energy a black hole would form swallowing the earth and its inhabitants.