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Q: What do single called organisms use to move?
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Euglenoids and male sperm use what to move about?

Euglenoids and male sperm are both single-celled organisms. In order for Euglenoids and sperm to move, they both use a flagella. A flagella is a microscopic whip-like appendage that enables single-celled organisms to swim.

What is the tail-like structures that euglenoids use to move around?

Euglenoids are single celled organisms that use a flagellum to move their bodies. Not all euglenophytes have a flagellum. The differentiating factor is the fact that the euglenoid or euglenophyte has a single flagellum.

How do single-celled organisms use mitosis?

All single celled organisms e.g. Bacteria don't use mitosis .

What is A temporary cytoplasmic projection used in feeding and movement called?

A temporary cytoplasmic projection used in feeding and movement is called a pseudopod. This structure is commonly found in certain single-celled organisms like amoebas, which use pseudopods to engulf food particles and move around.

What is the use of the petridish?

mainly as a growth medium for molecular organisms. such as bacteria, fungi, and single celled organisms

What uses a pseudopod to move through their environment and obtain food?

Amoebas are single-celled organisms that use pseudopods to move and capture food. These pseudopods are temporary extensions of the cell membrane that help them to engulf and digest their prey.

How many cells do single celled organisms use to function?


What the use of petri dish?

mainly as a growth medium for molecular organisms. such as bacteria, fungi, and single celled organisms

What are 3 things that organisms use energy to do?

Grow, reproduce, move.

What does psedopod mean?

A psedopod is a temporary projection or "false foot" that some single-celled organisms, like amoebas, use for movement and feeding. It helps them to change shape and move by extending and contracting.

Why do amoebas and paramecia need moving parts?

Amoebas and paramecia use moving parts like the pseudopods or cilia to navigate their environment, capture food, and remove waste. These structures help them to move, find resources, and respond to stimuli in their surroundings. The ability to move is essential for survival and reproduction in these single-celled organisms.

Is there a single word I can use instead of plants and animals?

You can use living organisms as combined. Since plants and animals both have life, living organisms can be used.