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They could use an electron microscope or an STM (scanning tunneling microscope)

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Mark Greenholt

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2y ago
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12y ago

i do not know

a tool which.......................................................



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11y ago

They could use an electron microscope or an STM (scanning tunneling microscope)

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8y ago

For example atomic force microscopy.

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14y ago

nothing, it has not been done yet.

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11y ago

Powerful microscopes.

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Q: What are the tools that scientists used to observe atoms?
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Two tools for observation use by scientists?

Scientists use microscopes to observe and study tiny structures at a magnified level. Telescopes, on the other hand, are used to observe distant celestial objects in space.

What are the different tools used in science what are the different tools used in science?

Chemists use a triple beam balance to weigh things, astronomers use telescopes to observe very distant things, biologists use microscopes to observe very small things, and there are literally thousands of other tools used by scientists in various different specialties.

Why would scientists need to use models of atoms?

Scientists use models of atoms to help visualize and understand the behavior of atoms at a scale that is too small to observe directly. Models can also be used to make predictions about how atoms will interact with each other in different chemical reactions, which is essential for advancing our understanding of the natural world.

How have scientists use technology to observe the outer planets?

They used a telescope

Three tools used by scientists?

the three tools are, microscope, beaker, and heater!

What tools can you use to study matter?

Some tools used to study matter include microscopes (such as electron or atomic force microscopes), spectrometers, particle accelerators, and X-ray crystallography machines. These tools can help scientists observe, analyze, and manipulate the properties of matter at various scales.

What tools are used to observe objects?

Tools such as telescopes, microscopes, binoculars, and cameras are commonly used to observe objects. Telescopes are especially useful for observing distant objects in space, while microscopes are used to observe very small objects. Binoculars are helpful for observing objects at a closer range, and cameras can capture images for further study or analysis.

Which scientist was one of the first scientists to successfully used a telescope to observe the night sky?


Which instrument do scientists use to observe DNA?

Usually, a scanning electron microscope is used to observe atoms.

What clues did the scientists used to learn about the iceman's life?

they used only there bones and other tools !

What tools is used by scientists to create models?

clay it really depends on what they are making

What tools do you use to observe objects in space?

Telescopes, both ground-based and space-based, are the primary tools used to observe objects in space. These telescopes can observe different wavelengths of light, such as optical, radio, and X-ray, to gather information about celestial objects. Other tools, like spectrographs and cameras, are often used in conjunction with telescopes to analyze the data collected.