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balls of fire

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3w ago

Pyrotechnicians refer to the individual chemical pellets that produce light and color in fireworks as "stars." These stars are combined in various configurations to create different effects in the sky during a fireworks display.

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Q: What do pyrotechnicians call stars?
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What are people that make fireworks called?

People who make fireworks are typically referred to as pyrotechnicians or fireworks technicians. These individuals are responsible for designing, creating, and setting off fireworks displays for various events and celebrations. They require specialized training and expertise to handle fireworks safely and effectively.

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pyrotechnicians made pyrotechnic colorant, a chemical compound which causes a flame to burn with a particular color.

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The Stars & Bars.

What do people call meteors?

Shooting stars or falling stars.

What are pyro technicians?

Pyrotechnicians create special effects like explosions, often in movies and TV shows.

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Shooting stars or falling stars.

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You don't.

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What do you call a person who study the stars?

An astronomer

What would you call a group of stars that aren't constellations?

A group of stars. Constellations aren't actually connected stars.