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Q: What do physicists call large groups of atoms whose net spins are aligned because of strong coupling between neighboring atoms?
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Why do not aliphatic amines give coupling reaction?

Aliphatic amines do not typically give coupling reactions due to their limited aromatic character, which is necessary for coupling reactions to occur effectively. Aromatic amines are more likely to undergo coupling reactions because they possess a delocalized pi system that stabilizes the intermediates formed during the coupling process.

In a permanent magnet the magnetism comes from?

In a permanent magnet, the magnetism comes from the alignment of magnetic domains within the material. These magnetic domains are regions where the magnetic moments of individual atoms or molecules are aligned in the same direction, creating a net magnetic field for the material.

Is Stonehenge aligned with the planets?

Stonehenge is aligned with the solstices and possibly with some stars, but there is no proven alignment with specific planets. Some researchers have suggested potential astronomical connections with planets like Mars and Venus, but more evidence is needed to confirm these alignments.

What two planets aligned for the first time in 400 years?

Jupiter and Saturn aligned in what is known as the "Great Conjunction" in December 2020. This alignment occurs approximately every 20 years, but the 2020 event was particularly special because it was the closest observable alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in nearly 400 years.

Project report on effect of metal coupling on the corrosion of iron?

The project report should outline the methodology used to study the corrosion of iron when coupled with different metals, such as zinc, copper, or aluminum. It should include the experimental setup, data collected on the rate of corrosion, and analysis of the results to determine the effect of metal coupling on iron corrosion. Conclusions should be drawn based on the findings and recommendations for future research or practical applications.

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What is the difference between transformer coupling and RC coupling?

RC COUPLING :- is the most Commonly used Coupling Between the two stages of a cascaded or multistage amplifier because it is cheaper in cost and Very compact circuit and provides excellent frequency response. TRANSFORMER COUPLING :- Impedence Coupling results in more efficient amplification because no signal power is wasted in Inductor L. Such Coupling has the drawback of being larger, Heavier and Costlier than the RC COUPLING. Impedence Coupling is rarely used beyond audio range . by : Muhammad zubair.... muet student of telecom.

Why do not aliphatic amines give coupling reaction?

Aliphatic amines do not typically give coupling reactions due to their limited aromatic character, which is necessary for coupling reactions to occur effectively. Aromatic amines are more likely to undergo coupling reactions because they possess a delocalized pi system that stabilizes the intermediates formed during the coupling process.

What is the part of speech of neighboring?

"Neighboring" is considered to be an adjective, because it describes a noun or a pronoun.

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Which coupling gives the higher gain in case of amplifier?

DC coupling on the input/output will always give higher gain because AC coupling involves inserting a capacitor, which adds impedance and augments the signal. AC coupling is sometimes necessary though, for such purposes as eliminating DC offset on the base of a transistor, or eliminating a DC offset in a single supply opamp circuit.

Why do unlike poles attract?

Because then the spins would be aligned.

Why is a physicist an important job?

Without physicists, we would not have physics. This is similar to the job of weatherman, without whom we would not have weather. Without physicists, we would fly off of the Earth because gravity would cease to exist and would become gravy. This is bad because WE ARE BISCUITS. (This would solve the world hunger problem, though we would be floating around.)

Why did Pakistan join Non Aligned Movement?

Pakistan joined the Non-Aligned Movement because it represented the common interests of of the newly-independent developing countries.

Why do physicists mostly do not accept a cyclic universe?

because , in the univerce some changes will occure when compare to earliear

Why would neighboring tribes not want to antagonize the Aztec?

because the Aztecs were invincible.

In a permanent magnet the magnetism comes from?

In a permanent magnet, the magnetism comes from the alignment of magnetic domains within the material. These magnetic domains are regions where the magnetic moments of individual atoms or molecules are aligned in the same direction, creating a net magnetic field for the material.

Why pully jam in motor?

Usually because the belt loosened, or the pulley is mis-aligned.