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Q: What do meteorologist use to excited the actual amount of moister in the air?
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Is the amount of moister that is in the air?


How does a meteorologist express the amount of moisture in the air?

It is called relative humidity and it is expressed in percentages.

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If the budgeted amount is 0 and the actual amount is $300, what is the variance percentage?

When you have budjeted amount actual accrued and actual expended amount then formula for budget variance?

I have NO idea what your asking but Sure :) You can.

What is difference between the amount budgeted and the actual amount is called?

Difference between actual amount and budgeted amount is called "Variance" and variance analysis is done to find out the reasons for variance

When sunlight excited electrons in chlorophyll how do the electrons change?

the electrons gain a huge amount of energy

Do warm and cold air make rain?

It depends on the amount of moisture present. If there is enough the warm air mass, which is usually moister, gets lifted, causing it to cool and the moisture in it to condense.

What is the actual of reaction?

The measured amount of product-

When excited electrons radiate energy the amount of energy given off is equal to?

The amount of energy given off by excited electrons when they radiate energy is equal to the difference in energy level between the initial and final states. This emitted energy is typically in the form of photons.

What is the actual yield of reaction?

The measured amount of product-

What is the the actual yield of a reaction?

The measured amount of product.

What can be said of the amount of energy that an electron absorbs when it is excited compared to the amount of energy that it releases when it returns to ground state?

When an electron is excited, it absorbs a specific amount of energy to move to a higher energy state. When it returns to its ground state, it releases this absorbed energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The energy released is equal to the energy absorbed during excitation, following the principle of conservation of energy.