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Like poles repel; opposite poles attract.

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Like poles on magnets repel each other, meaning they push away from one another. This occurs because the magnetic fields generated by the like poles interfere with each other and create a force that pushes them apart.

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What is the term for the attraction or repulsion between the poles of the magnets?

magnetic force

What are facts about magnets that kids would like to know?

Kids might like to know that magnets have two poles (North and South), that opposite poles attract, that magnets attract certain metals but not all, and that magnets are used in the creation of electricity.

What is the term for the attraction and repulsion between the poles of magnets?

The term for the attraction and repulsion between the poles of magnets is magnetic force. This force is responsible for the interaction between magnets as opposite poles attract each other and like poles repel each other.

Do horse shoe magnets have separate poles?

Yes, horseshoe magnets have two poles just like bar magnets - a north pole and a south pole. The poles are located at the ends of the horseshoe shape.

Do simple magnets have two poles?

all magnets have two poles

What would cause two magnets to repel?

Like poles.

What will like poles of bar magnets do?

Like poles of bar magnets will repel each other, due to the magnetic forces between them pushing them apart. The repulsive force will increase as the poles get closer together.

What do poles of magnets do to each other?

opposite poles-attracts each other and like poles- repel each other

What are the Two properties of magnet?

Magnets have two poles north and south. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

What do you mean by the directional properties of magnets?

Directional properties of magnets refer to their ability to attract or repel other magnets based on their orientation of poles. Magnets have two poles, north and south, which interact with each other according to the laws of magnetism, such as opposite poles attracting and like poles repelling. This property allows magnets to exert forces in specific directions depending on how they are aligned.

When opposite poles of two magnets brought together the poles?

When two magnets are brought together, the opposite poles will attract one another, but the like poles will repel one another. This is similar to electric charges. Like charges repel, and unlike charges attract.

Do sphere magnets have poles?

Yes, sphere magnets do have poles. Due to their spherical shape, the poles are located at opposite points on the surface of the sphere. The poles are typically referred to as the north pole and the south pole.