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The meaning of a high frequency wave is a shorter wavelength.

For electromagnetic waves in general (including light):

* At greater frequencies, you get shorter wavelengths.

* At greater frequencies, you get more energy per photon.

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9y ago

The meaning of a high frequency wave is a shorter wavelength.

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9y ago

For electromagnetic waves in general (including light):

* At greater frequencies, you get shorter wavelengths.

* At greater frequencies, you get more energy per photon.

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7y ago

If the frequency is greater, the wavelength will be shorter.

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More energy.

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They have shorter wavelengths.

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What happens to energy when the frequency of light waves increase?

When the frequency of light waves increases, the energy of the light also increases. This is because energy and frequency are directly proportional in electromagnetic waves, such as light. Therefore, higher frequency light waves carry more energy than lower frequency light waves.

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Radar waves have lower frequencies than visible waves. Visible light waves fall within the range of the electromagnetic spectrum with higher frequencies, while radar waves have lower frequencies and longer wavelengths.

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Violet light waves have the highest frequency among the visible light spectrum.

Light waves move at a higher frequency than?

Sound waves. Light waves are electromagnetic waves that travel through a vacuum at the speed of light, while sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to propagate. The frequency of light waves is in the order of hundreds of terahertz, much higher than the audible frequency range of sound waves (20 Hz to 20 kHz).

In the light spectrum are red waves shorter than blue waves?

No, red waves have a longer wavelength than blue waves in the light spectrum. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than red light.

What happens to the energy of light waves if frequency increases?

If the frequency of light waves increases, the energy of the waves also increases. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, according to the equation E=hf, where E is energy, h is the Planck constant, and f is frequency. Therefore, higher frequency light waves have higher energy content.

Is it true or false that the greater the frequency of the wave in a particular medium the greater the wavelenght of the wave.?

False. The wavelength of a wave is inversely proportional to its frequency. This means that higher frequency waves have shorter wavelengths, and lower frequency waves have longer wavelengths.

Do light waves move at a lower or higher frequency than visible light?

they are a high frequency

How is frequency related to color?

Frequency is directly related to color in terms of light waves. Higher frequency waves appear as colors on the violet end of the spectrum, while lower frequency waves appear as colors on the red end of the spectrum. The frequency of light waves determines the specific color that is perceived by our eyes.

Do radio waves visible light and x-rays have same frequency in vacuum?

No. The radio waves has got the lowest frequency, light waves has got in between frequency and the X-rays has got the highest frequency of the three types of waves.No.

What does the frequency of sound and light waves look like?

The frequency of sound waves refers to the number of complete oscillations or cycles per second, measured in hertz. Higher frequency sound waves are perceived as higher pitch and lower frequency waves as lower pitch. For light waves, frequency is associated with the color of light, with higher frequencies corresponding to bluer colors and lower frequencies to redder colors. Light waves have much higher frequencies than sound waves, measured in terahertz (THz) or petahertz (PHz).

Do light waves have frequency or wavelength?

They have both.