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Q: What do it mean to see angels coming down from the sky?
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It is said that animals can see spirits. Whether they mean ghosts or angels depends on who someone is talking to.

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It means nothing, dismiss it.

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Translation: When are you coming to see me?

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it means you see Jesus on a horse coming from a cloud

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Down isn't coming to Belgrade in 2013, however they will be coming this summer in Zagreb. If it's a problem going to Zagreb,(Serbians will know why), you can go to Athens to see Down and Slayer, but it's surely more expensive.Although, if you can't see Down this summer you can see Slayer in Belgrade instead. :P

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that it was not expected! You didn't see it coming :-)

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ooh tricky to explain! its the light that isn't coming from the direct light source, but the streetlight say that you cant see the beam of directly, but you are aware of light coming from it as you walk down the street in the dark..

When will Wizards vs Angels be coming out?

February 4, 2011According to the promo (see Related links) the episode "Wizards vs Angels" is due out on February 4, 2011.

What does it mean when you drop a knife?

a male visitor is coming to see you .

Who can see angels?

Of Course ,God can see angels because god created them