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Geologists use the Mohs scale of mineral hardness to characterize the scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer material. In this scale diamond is the hardest material and talc the softest.

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1mo ago

Geologists use the Mohs scale of mineral hardness to classify a mineral's hardness. This scale ranges from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest) based on the relative hardness of various minerals. Geologists perform a scratch test by trying to scratch the mineral with different reference minerals to determine its hardness.

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Q: What do geologists use to classify a mineral's hardness?
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What test do geologists use to determine the hardness of a mineral?

Geologists use the Mohs scale of mineral hardness to determine the relative hardness of a mineral by scratching it with minerals of known hardness. The scale ranks minerals from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest) based on their ability to scratch or be scratched by other minerals.

How do classify minerals according to their hardness geoogist use what?

Geologist perform a hardness test using their fingernail, a penny, and a paper clip.

What characteristics do geologists use to classify Minerals?

Geologists use a variety of characteristics to classify minerals, including color, luster, hardness, density, cleavage, fracture, and crystal form. These properties help geologists identify and categorize minerals based on their chemical composition and physical traits.

Which of the following is not a characteristic that geologists use to identify minerals A Fracture B Color c Streak D Softness?

Color is not a reliable characteristic that geologists use to identify minerals because it can vary widely among different specimens of the same mineral due to impurities. Instead, geologists typically rely on properties like fracture, streak, and hardness for more accurate identification.

A scale used to measure the hardness of rocks?

The Mohs scale is used to determine the relative hardness of minerals.

What do you use the Mohs scale of hardness for?

The Mohs scale of hardness is used to measure the relative hardness of minerals by testing their resistance to scratching. It is commonly used by geologists to help identify and classify different minerals based on their hardness.

Way to classify earth material?

Earth materials can be classified based on their origin (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic), composition (silicate minerals, carbonates, etc.), texture (grain size, shape), or physical properties (hardness, cleavage, color). Geologists use these characteristics to differentiate and categorize rocks and minerals found on Earth.

How do you identify all the properties scientists use to classify minerals?

Scientists classify minerals based on properties such as color, streak, luster, cleavage, fracture, hardness, density, and crystal habit. By observing these properties, scientists can determine the identity of a mineral and place it into the appropriate mineral group.

How do geologists use the column?

Geologists use the geologic column to classify layers of rocks and fossils that make up the Earth's crust.

What five characteristics do geologists use to identify a mineral?

Geologists use properties such as color, luster, hardness, cleavage, and specific gravity to identify minerals. These characteristics help in distinguishing one mineral from another based on their physical and chemical properties.

What are 2 things geologists use to identyfiy minerals?

Two things that geologists use is a pic and a shovel

How do geologists use geologic column?

Geologists use the geologic column to classify layers of rocks and fossils that make up the Earth's crust.