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Q: What do genes on chromosomes produce?
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Are the chromosomes located in the genes?

No, the genes are in the chromosomes

Are chromosomes genes or are genes chromosomes?

Genes are stretches of DNA that contain code to make proteins. Chromosomes are made up of numerous Genes.

What is the relationship between chromosomes and genes and between genes and DNA?

Chromosomes are structures made of DNA that carry genes. Genes are segments of DNA that contain the instructions for making proteins. DNA is the molecule that carries the genetic information needed for the development, functioning, and reproduction of living organisms.

What is the similarities and difference between the segregation of genes and of chromosomes?

Both gene segregation and chromosome segregation involve the separation of genetic material during cell division. In gene segregation, alleles of a gene separate during meiosis, whereas chromosome segregation involves the separation of entire chromosomes. The key difference is that gene segregation refers to specific alleles segregating to daughter cells, while chromosome segregation refers to the distribution of entire chromosomes to daughter cells.

Are chromosomes found on genes?

Chromosomes contain genes, which are the units of inheritance that carry genetic information. Genes are located on specific locations on chromosomes, known as gene loci. Each chromosome carries hundreds to thousands of genes that determine an individual's traits and characteristics.

What are the genes carries on the x and y chromosomes called?

The genes carried on the X chromosome are called X-linked genes, while the genes carried on the Y chromosome are called Y-linked genes. These genes play a role in determining various traits and characteristics in individuals.

Difference between chromosomes and genes?

Chromosomes are structures that contain genes, which are the functional units of heredity. Genes are specific segments of DNA that encode information for producing proteins, while chromosomes are made up of DNA and protein and contain many genes. Chromosomes are organized in pairs in a cell's nucleus, while genes are the specific units on chromosomes responsible for inherited traits.

The genes on the x and y chromosomes are called what?

The genes carried on the X and Y chromosomes are called your "sex chromosomes".

What role do chromosomes play in inhertance?

Genes are located on chromosomes. Genes are simply regions on chromosomes that code for polypeptides.

How are genes chromosomes and DNA related?

if a cat has 38 chromosomes in each of its body celss, how many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell after mitosis?

Which chromosmoes contains sex-linled genes?

Sex-linked genes are located on the sex chromosomes, particularly on the X and Y chromosomes. On the X chromosome, X-linked genes are inherited differently between males and females, while the Y chromosome carries genes related to male sex determination and fertility.

What located on chromosomes and carry hereditary instructions?

Genes are located on chromosomes and carry hereditary instructions that are passed from parents to offspring. Genes determine various traits and characteristics in living organisms.