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Q: What do fossil fuels and sedimentary rocks have In common?
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Fosil fuels are made in what type of rock?

Fossil fuels are found in sedimentary rocks, which are formed from the accumulation and compression of plant and animal remains over millions of years. Common fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas were created from the decay of organic matter in these rocks.

Does Metamorphics rock contain fossil fuels?

Metamorphic rocks typically do not contain fossil fuels, as these rocks have undergone high pressure and temperature changes that usually destroy any organic materials present. Fossil fuels are more commonly found in sedimentary rocks, where organic matter has been preserved and transformed into coal, oil, and natural gas over time.

Would you find fossil in sedimentary rocks?

Yes, you can find fossils in sedimentary rocks.

Why are fossil fuels NOT found in metamorphic rocks?

Fossil fuels are not found in metamorphic rocks because the high pressure and temperature conditions during the formation of metamorphic rocks would have altered and destroyed any organic matter present, which is necessary for the formation of fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas. Fossil fuels are primarily found in sedimentary rocks where the organic material can be preserved and transformed into oil and gas over millions of years.

Which resources are commonly hosted by sedimentary deposits or rocks?

Common resources hosted by sedimentary deposits or rocks include coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, and groundwater. These sediments can also contain valuable minerals such as iron, copper, and salt deposits. Organic materials like plant debris or marine organisms are often preserved in sedimentary rocks, leading to the formation of fossil fuels.

Related questions

Fosil fuels are made in what type of rock?

Fossil fuels are found in sedimentary rocks, which are formed from the accumulation and compression of plant and animal remains over millions of years. Common fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas were created from the decay of organic matter in these rocks.

How is fossile fuels made?

Fossil fuels are natural products formed over billions of years.

What are the five major carbon reservoirs on earth?

The five major carbon reservoirs on Earth are the atmosphere, oceans, terrestrial biosphere (plants and soils), fossil fuels, and sediments (such as limestone and organic matter). These reservoirs store carbon in various forms and exchange it through processes like photosynthesis, respiration, and erosion.

What is the type of rocks which contain fossil fuels?

The type of rocks that contain fossil fuels are sedimentary rocks, such as shale, sandstone, and limestone. Fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, and coal are formed from the remains of plants and animals that were buried and compressed over millions of years within these rocks.

How did the interior plains come to have such a large deposits of fossil fuels?

They have a lot of fossil fuels due to the rock(which i believe is either Sedimentary, or Metamorphic and Igneous). They have to drill holes in the rocks to find the minerals and fuel.

Why are fossil found in sedimentary rocks and not in igneous rocks?

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Where can fossil fuels and minerals be found?

Fossil fuels can be found underground in deposits such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which are formed from the remains of plants and animals. Minerals are found in rocks and can be mined from areas where these rocks are exposed at the earth's surface or deep underground. Both fossil fuels and minerals are located all around the world, and their availability varies depending on the region.

Does Metamorphics rock contain fossil fuels?

Metamorphic rocks typically do not contain fossil fuels, as these rocks have undergone high pressure and temperature changes that usually destroy any organic materials present. Fossil fuels are more commonly found in sedimentary rocks, where organic matter has been preserved and transformed into coal, oil, and natural gas over time.

Would you find fossil in sedimentary rocks?

Yes, you can find fossils in sedimentary rocks.

Do sedimentary rocks contain fossil?

yes fossils are found in sedimentary rocks but not in igneous and metamorphic rocks. hope this helps

Why are fossil fuels burried in rocks?

That is where they formed.

What sedimentary rocks are formed from the remains of plants and animals?

Sedimentary rocks formed from the remains of plants and animals are called organic sedimentary rocks. Examples include coal, formed from the remains of plants, and limestone, formed from the shells of marine organisms.