They don't exactly eat they soak up the water and nutrients from the soil. This makes sugars that they eat and live off of. They water that they soak up goes through their whole system and into every leaf.
Flowers don't "eat" -- they absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots. These nutrients are primarily minerals such as nitrogen, potassium, phosopherus and others. Plants also make their own energy in the form of sugars. Utilizing light energy, carbon dioxide and water, via the process of photosynthesis, produce oxygen and sugar. The sugar is stored in the roots/bulb until needed by the plant for growth, flowering or seed/fruit production.
Bees eat flowers. Bears do not typically eat bees, but they may eat honey produced by bees which is collected from flowers.
The most commonly consumed edible flowers are roses, nasturtiums, violets, lavender, and chrysanthemums. These flowers are often used in culinary dishes for their distinctive flavors and decorative appeal.
Honey bees do not eat mud. They primarily feed on nectar and pollen collected from flowers to sustain themselves. Mud is not a part of their diet.
Some animals that eat flowers include deer, rabbits, squirrels, and goats. These animals may be attracted to flowers in gardens or natural environments as a food source.
Marmots are herbivores and primarily eat grasses, flowers, roots, and leaves. They also consume insects and small animals occasionally.
They eat Grevillea flowers.
yes panda eat flowers and bamboo
put them in salad and eat your face off then you will die cause flowers are flowers not salad toppings
Yes, you can eat pak choi flowers.
They don't eat flowers, they eat aphids and green fly which tend to eat roses. That is why gardeners welcome them into the garden as they remove parasitic insects from their flowers.
Koalas sometimes eat the flowers of the gum trees in which they feed.
Lady bugs eat other insects especially aphids. They don't eat flowers.
yes hermit crabs can eat water flowers.
no they eat aphids
There are many different kinds of flowers that deer won't eat including hibiscus flowers. This is because these flowers are not found in a deer's habitat.
Ladybirds do not eat dandelions, they do not eat flowers. Ladybirds eat a teeny weeny bug called aphids that lives on the flowers. This bug is very bad for our garden, so that's why we have Ladybirds to eat them up.
yes A SQURRREL can eat flowers