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Q: What do diplospirillum bacteria look like?
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What does H Pylori bacteria look like?

H. pylori is a helix-shaped bacterium that is approximately 3 micrometers in length. It has multiple flagella that enable it to move around in the stomach lining. Under a microscope, it appears as a curved or spiral-shaped rod.

What do Bacilli bacteria look like?

bacilli bacteria are rod shaped.

What is coccoid bacteria?

Coccoid bacteria are spherical in shape and can be found in various environments including soil, water, and the human body. They are a type of bacteria that can exist as single cells or form clusters, and can be both beneficial and harmful to humans depending on the species.

What does h pylori look like?

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How does the anaerobic bacteria look like?

Anaerobic Bacteria looks like a bunch of black and green dots stuck together .

What does cocci look like?

Circle shaped looking bacteria.

Does Bacteria look like worms?

Every bacterium is unique. Some do look like worms, some look like lunar landing modules, and some look like octopuses.

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Expired candy is look like a that is a colour is changed and its stick some white bacteria.

What will a streak plate with two species of bacteria look like?

A streak plate with two species of bacteria will show separate colonies with distinct morphologies and colors. Each species will grow in its own isolated area on the plate, allowing for differentiation between them. It is important to observe and document the characteristics of each colony to identify and classify the bacteria present.

How does a bacteria look?

Bacteria are microscopic organisms that can have various shapes, such as spheres (cocci), rods (bacilli), or spirals. They can appear individually or in chains or clusters. Bacteria can be seen under a microscope, but they are too small to be visible with the naked eye.

What comes into your mind when you here the word bacteria?

Germs that look like amoebas